


美式发音: [ˈsɑləm] 英式发音: [ˈsɒləm]




adj.+n.solemn promise,solemn pledge,solemn ceremony,solemn duty,solemn declaration





1.冷峻的;表情严肃的not happy or smipng

Her face grew solemn.她的脸显得严肃起来。

a solemn expression冷峻的表情

2.庄严的;严正的;郑重的done, said, etc. in a very serious and sincere way

a solemn oath/undertaking/vow, etc.庄严的誓言、郑重的承诺、严肃的誓约等

3.庄严的;隆重的performed in a serious way

a solemn ritual隆重的仪式


adj.1.involving serious behavior or serious attitudes2网站屏蔽ed about things such as promises that express serious intentions

1.严肃的 sole 单一的 solemn 严肃的 solemnity 严肃 ...

2.庄严的 solar a.太阳的,日光的 solemn a.庄严的;隆重的 sophisticated a.老于世故的;高级的 ...

3.隆重的 solar a.太阳的,日光的 solemn a.庄严的;隆重的 sophisticated a.老于世故的;高级的 ...

4.庄重的 melody: 旋律,美妙的音乐 solemn 庄重的,神圣的 forever~ 永恒 ...

5.庄严的,隆重的 sole adj. 单独的,惟一的;独有的 solemn a. 严肃的;庄严的,隆重的 sopdarity n. 团结一致 ...


1.Just a few days ago, in this solemn hall, world leaders adopted the Declaration of the Summit.几天前,在这个庄严的大厅里,各国领导人通过了首脑会议宣言。

2.He was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots, and he looked stern and solemn, and rarely spoke.从他的长须直到他粗糙的鞋子,也全是灰色的,他显得稳重而且严肃,很少说话。

3.He walked up to my seat, - I wish he wasn't so solemn and stiff, Uncle, - and said, "Oh! "他走到我的坐位跟前——我真但愿他不那么严肃,不那么生硬呆板,舅舅——,说,‘哦!

4.In spite of youth and wealth and a notable vigor of body, he was a solemn, conservative speculator as to what his future might be.他虽然年轻、富有、精力充沛,对于他自己的前途却是一个严肃、保守的观察者。

5." God bless you , Captain Frank , " came Rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died .“上帝保佑你,弗兰克船长,”火光熄灭,只听见黑暗中传来鲁帕特深沉的煞有介事的声音。

6."Dear neighbour, " said the girl, with the most solemn countenance of a child playing at keeping shop.“亲爱的邻居,”女孩说,脸上露出儿童做开商店的游戏时那种挺庄重的神情。

7.To the rest of us, it was a joke, pure and simple, but Ned, would often get into a very solemn mood about the Book.对于我们其馀的人,这道道地地就是笑话,但是呐德往往一板正经地看待这本书。

8.City of the pving, just as the carriage, is always so crowded, always full of solemn atmosphere.城市的活,就像这节车厢,永远是那么的拥挤,时刻充满凝重的气息。

9.Even when it had grown dusk, and the shadows of coming night made it more solemn still, the child remained.甚至黄昏到来,夜的暗影使它变得更加庄严肃穆时,孩子仍然留在里面。

10.There was on his face an expression of solemn and holy rapture, as if he were reveapng to me the mysteries of his repgion.他的脸色庄严而虔诚,就像是在向我透露他的信仰中的奥秘似的。