




1.开发运营息及时交付到正确的人员手中。 一个统一的平台所创建的开发运维 (DevOps) 环境可产生更具协作性的应用交付,并在出错 …

4.开发维运场领先的 CA LISA® 解决方案,以解决实施「开发维运」(DevOps)方法时面临的关键挑战,协助客户改善应用程式的开发与 …

5.开发过程 编辑 editorscn网站屏蔽q网址被屏蔽 DevOps, 法律案件, Web 2.0, 企业, ...

7.开发和运营原则提高易用性,并可覆盖更多用户,借助持续交付以及集成开发和运营原则 (DEVOPS)以及SOA 原则设计移动应用,可实现用 …


1.DevOps is all about trying to avoid that epic failure and working smarter and more efficiently at the same time.DevOps就是想方设法的避免这种“终极失败”,同时让大家用更聪明更有效的方式去工作。

2.We continue to see and hear signs of a new movement in enterprise IT: devops.在企业IT领域,我们最近不断的看到、听到一种新迹象,这就是DevOps。

3.Starting DevOps means starting a mind shift for your developers and sys admins.开始DevOps,意味着开始了一场你的程序员和系统管理者的心态的转变。

4.Also on the pst of to-be-tried techniques is DevOps, a movement intended to bring harmony between the development and operations teams.此外,列表中建议尝试的技术还有DevOps,它旨在促进开发与运维团队的和谐相处。

5.DevOps is not a technology problem. DevOps is a business problem.DevOps不是个技术问题,而是个业务问题。

6.In practice, this means that agile operations - and particularly devops - will raise all kinds of red flags with your auditors.在实践中,这意味着敏捷运维——特别是开发运维——会在审计者的检查中出现很多警告。

7.Only then does it makes sense to look at the processes and tools that support the DevOps culture.只有在这种情况下,寻找培养DevOps文化的方法和工具才会有意义。

8.Some tasks in devops can't be adequately tested in smaller synthetic environments.一些DevOps任务无法在小规模的测试环境中被充分测试。

9.On its most basic level, devops is about people.在最基本的层面上,DevOps关注的是人员。

10.DevOps is a culture of talking and working together.DevOps是一种一起讨论和一起工作的文化。