


美式发音: [ˈdɛkstə(r)] 英式发音: ['dekstə]









adj.1.belonging to or situated on the right side of a person, animal, or object worn on the body

adv.1.on the right side

n.1.one of a breed of small hardy Irish cattle originating from the Kerry breed2.[People Name]mainly used for the male


7.右边的 estr 有关? Dexter 右边的 灵巧 与法语 dextrogyre,direct 有关系 5 ...

8.右侧的 cosmos 宇宙 dexter 左边的,右侧的 ego 自我,自己 ...


1.We got to see you a bit on DEXTER this season. Love the crazy mess of Boyd Fowler.我们在这一季的《dexter》也看到了你的身影。爱死那个博伊德.佛勒那个角色了。

2.Miss Dexter That's right. I saw him when he went into the bank and when he came out.是的。我看到当他跑进银行和他出来的时候。

3.Hermione Bagwa was a young waitress who worked at Dexter's Diner, around the time of the outbreak of the Clone Wars.克隆人战争爆发前后,赫敏·巴格瓦是一名年轻女招待,在德克斯特的餐馆工作。

4.Two of them took out a heavy stick and one carry a gun, st anding in the back and point it right at Dexter's head.那些混混说道,拔出他的武器。一人拿出笨重的棍子,另一名则持枪站在德克斯特背后,枪口正对头部。

5.Just winked with his dexter eyepd, and then he retired to bed.眨了眨他的右侧眼皮,乖乖地退回去睡觉。

6."When I started to read the information they had there, I thought, 'Well, this is not going to be for me, ' " Dexter said.“当我开始研读他们已经放在那里的材料时,我想,‘好吧,这个活动原来不关我事,’”德克斯特说。

7.Emma wants to do something that "makes a different" and Dexter wants to be famous but first he's going travelpng.艾玛想做一些“有所作为”的事情,德克斯特想成名,但首先他想旅行。

8.Dexter: Do you mind just shutting the fuck up for about five minutes and well be out of your way? Thank you.德克斯特:你介意把你的嘴巴闭上五分钟,好让我们安静一会吗?谢谢!

9.Bend sinister: a band passing from the upper sinister corner of an escutcheon to the lower Dexter corner.左斜带:从饰有纹的盾章的左上角到右下角的带子。

10.Explore an interactive video based on a fictional, futuristic Russian city, where Dexter air-taxi is the new form of transport.探索交互式视频一个虚构的,未来俄罗斯的城市,空气德克斯特出租车是新形式的交通基础。