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1.扎克利 Yves 依夫 法国 法律的守护神 Zachary 扎克利 希伯来 为上帝所心仪的人 Abigail 艾比盖 希伯来 父亲很高兴 ...

2.扎卡里 Omar 奥玛尔 Zachary 扎卡里 Josue 若苏埃 ...

3.圣扎迦利 Zen( 泽恩) Zachary( 圣扎迦利) Zachariah( 撒迦利亚) ...

4.查克瑞 Yamaha/ 雅马哈 —— ... Zachary/ 查克瑞 —— ... Aison/ 艾尚 —— ... ...

5.扎克瑞 Yves 依夫 法国 法律的守护神 Zachary 扎克利 希伯来 为上帝所心仪的人 Abigail 艾比盖 希伯来 父亲很高兴 ...

7.美国查克瑞 Aosen( 奥森) Zachary美国查克瑞) Grempn( 英国格林) ...

8.扎克里 (尤里) - Yuri \yu-ri\ i (扎克里) - Zachary \z (赞恩) - Zane \z ...


1.General Zachary Taylor commanded the American force. He sent one of his officers across the river to meet with Mexican officials.扎伽利.泰勒将军领导着美国这支军队,他派遣他的军官渡过格兰备河去会见墨西哥官员。

2.Zachary GarberHey, they is not crazy, there will be a madman to make arrangements for such a comprehensive program to it?加博“嘿,他们可不是疯子,会有疯子能做出这么周详的计划安排吗?”

3.In contrast, U. S. General Zachary Taylor, called "Old Rough and Ready" by the American soldiers, was much more considerate of his troops.相对的,在泰勒将军的带领下,士兵们说他「够粗壮,且蓄势待发」。

4.In Zachary's case, the state's new law did not help because it mentions only expulsion and does not exppcitly address suspensions.然而这条新的法规却帮不了扎贾里,因为它规定的是开除而没与明确提到停课。

5."Two's company, three's a crowd, " Joe muttered as he left Zachary and his girlfriend.「二人有伴,三人嫌太挤,」乔嘀咕著离开撒迦利和他的女友。

6.Zachary Taylor won both the popular and electoral votes. He became the twelfth president of the United States.扎伽利.泰勒同时赢得了全国选民的投票和选举人的投票,他成了美国第十二任总统。

7.TIME columnist Zachary Karabell did find a way into the renminbi via a new offering at the Bank of China. See sidebar.时代周刊专栏作家找到一种从中国银行购买人民币的方法,参见边栏。

8.A son from his first marriage, Zachary, 26, graduated from New York University.威廉姆斯的儿子Zachary为第一任妻子所生,今年26岁,毕业于纽约大学。

9.Zachary has brown eyes and dark hair.棕色眼睛,黑色头发。

10.He defended the decision, but added that the board might adjust the rules when it comes to younger children pke Zachary.他支持对扎贾里的决定,但是补充说对于扎贾里这样的低龄儿童,董事会可能会调整制度。