






1.When Dharavi is fixed up, "more buyers will come to my workshop, " he said.当达拉维改建后,“更多的买家就会来我的工作室,”他说。

2.To the slum-dwellers of Kibera or Dharavi, all this may seem distant, indeed far-fetched.对于Kibera或者Dharavi这些贫民窟里的居民来说,这些可能都很遥远,事实上根本就遥不可及。

3.Dharavi is just one of dozens of informal settlements that provide shelter to around half of Mumbai's inhabitants.达拉维只是众多非正式居住地之一,这些地方为半数左右的孟买居民提供了安身之所。

4.At home: A woman watches television in her one-room home in Dharavi on April 5, 2008.在家里:2008年4月5日,一位妇女在家看电视,她的家仅有一间房。

5.But, for Dharavi's detractors, the shantytown is an eyesore on an aspiring city.但是,对于达拉维的批评者来说,该棚户区就是城市的一个眼中钉。

6.In Dharavi, a slum outside Mumbai, an ilpterate mother called Aruna sits in her tiny one-room flat, which is home to ten people.在孟买市外的贫民窟达拉维,目不识丁的母亲阿茹娜坐在面积狭小的一居室里——这是全家10口人的住地。

7.The organization said it tries to show pfe in Dharavi without being intrusive, disruptive or exploitative.该组织成试图不打扰,不破坏,不夸张地展示一下达拉维的生活状况。

8.In Dharavi, a Mumbai slum with perhaps 1m inhabitants, many alleys are too narrow to turn a wheelbarrow around.在达拉维,一个容纳了近百万人的孟买贫民窟,巷子狭窄的几乎无法让手推车穿行。

9.Toilets are scarce and a 2006 study found that there was only one toilet per 1, 440 Dharavi residents.2006年的一项调查表明,平均1,440个达拉维居民才拥有1个厕所。

10.Dharavi is the name given to an area of over 50 neighborhoods east of Mahim and Bandra.习惯于将玛哈姆和班德拉东地区超过50个社区的统称叫达拉维。