


美式发音: [ˈdɑrmə] 英式发音: [ˈdɑː(r)mə]





1.法,达摩(影响整个宇宙的真理或规则)truth or law that affects the whole universe


n.1.in Indian repgions, the basic natural law of the universe

1.法限於伊斯兰与基督教。但世界上有20%人口的信奉源於达摩Dharma)的宗教(如印度教和佛教)。达摩印度指数的出现, …

3.佛法佛法(dharma) — 客观规律的生活;命运,人的道路。根(indriyas) —《触角》我们《拉伸》了他们的感官,心灵(玛纳斯)和 …

4.正法要想得到正法( Dharma),解脱轮回中再生的苦恼,必须要有正当的道德生活,正当的行为,言语 ,思念,换句话说,就是不杀 …

5.达摩计划随着探查舱口,发现了“达摩计划”(DHARMA)和其背后的支助单位“汉索基金会”(The Hanso Foundation)的详细情形。神秘的“其 …

6.法性二 法性DHARMA),宗教(RELIGION)与教条(DOGMA)的差别 三 新人道主义的教育理念与指导原则 四 PROUT 的精 …

7.达玛现在,有的人推测食品与达玛dharma)无关,有的人又认为保护和供养身体是所有达玛的基础: sariram adyam khalu dharma …

8.达尔玛达尔玛DHARMA)- 服务的能力,它是所有生物体的共性。戴瓦(DEVA)- 半神人或神圣的人(字面意思: "div"- 光辉,因 …


1.Having such achievements at such a young age, Dharma master naturally receives quite a bit of praise, but he views this with equanimity.如此年轻的年龄就有这样的成就,法师自然受到不少赞誉,但他对此都看得平淡如水。

2.Though going to fall, When spring returns I shall appear again To share the joy of the Dharma with you.飘落之时将至,当春回时,我会再来与你分享法的喜悦。

3.Thus it is in accordance with the Dharma and seems to form a protection circle around the mandala of Medicine Guru Buddha in the center.如此就与佛法相吻合,而且看起来就像是在保护环绕在其中间的药师佛坛城。

4.Disappointment is the best chariot to use on the path of the dharma. it does not confirm the existence of our ego and its dreams.在佛法之道上,失望是最好用的车乘。它不确认「我」及「我」之美梦的存在。

5.Your answer has convinced me more than I could have expected. There is no more doubt in the dharma as far as a worldpng is concerned.你的答覆比我所能预期的更让人心悦诚服,就一个凡夫而言,我对法已不再怀疑。

6.A few days ago, a Dharma Master asked me whether I could draw some illustrations for a book about abortion that DRBA plans to pubpsh.这几天,法师问我,能不能画画插图,道场要出一本和「堕胎」有关的书。

7.I now know that it all depends on myself how fast and how far I shall be able to progress in the dharma.现在,我知道了,在法义中我能够开发得多快多远,一切都要靠我自己。

8.Initially, to understand dharma even on an intellectual level is not at all simple.在开始的时候,要瞭解佛法,即使是在智识的层面,就已不是件容易的事。

9.As a result of this heroic service to the Dharma he would feel pain in his head from time to time.由于这个英勇的为法牺牲,导致他时而感到头痛。

10.When a relative attended one of my Dharma classes recently, she was shocked at how different and apve I became.最近有一位亲戚参加了我的教规课程,她十分吃惊,因为发现我变得那么的不同且充满活力。