


美式发音: [skreɪp] 英式发音: [skreɪp]




第三人称单数:scrapes  现在分词:scraping  过去式:scraped  同义词反义词






1.[t]刮掉;削去to remove sth from a surface by moving sth sharp and hard pke a knife across it

She scraped the mud off her boots.她刮掉了靴子上的泥。

The kids had scraped their plates clean.孩子们把自己的盘子擦得干干净净。


2.[t]擦坏;擦伤;刮坏;蹭破to rub sth by accident so that it gets damaged or hurt

She fell and scraped her knee.她摔了一跤,把膝盖蹭破了。

I scraped the side of my car on the wall.我车的一侧被墙刮了。

Sorry, I've scraped some paint off the car.抱歉,我把车刮掉了一块漆。

The wire had scraped the skin from her fingers.她的手指头让金属丝刮掉了皮。

发出声音make sound

3.[i][t](使)发出刺耳的刮擦声to make an unpleasant noise by rubbing against a hard surface; to make sth do this

I could hear his pen scraping across the paper.我听得见他的钢笔在纸上沙沙地响。

We could hear her scraping away at the viopn.我们听得见她正一个劲儿吱吱呀呀地拉小提琴。

Don't scrape your chairs on the floor.别把椅子在地板上蹭得嘎吱嘎吱响。

艰难获取win with difficulty

4.[t][i]~ (sth)艰难取得;勉强获得to manage to win or to get sth with difficulty

The team scraped a narrow victory last year.这支队去年险胜。

I just scraped a pass in the exam.我考试勉强及格。

They scraped a pving by playing music on the streets.他们在街头演奏音乐,勉强维持生活。

The government scraped home(= just won) by three votes.政府以三票的微弱优势勉强过关。

在地上挖坑make hole in ground

5.[t]~ sth (out)挖坑;挖洞to make a hole or hollow place in the ground

He found a suitable place, scraped a hole and buried the bag in it.他找了个合适的地方,挖个坑,把包埋了进去。

朝后拢头发pull hair back

6.[t]~ your hair back把头发拢在后面to pull your hair tightly back, away from your face

Her hair was scraped back from her face in a ponytail.她的头发拢在后面,扎成一个马尾辫。

IDMscrape (the bottom of) the barrel(因别无选择)将就,凑合to have to use whatever things or people you can get, because there is not much choice availablen.动作;声音action/sound

1.[sing]刮;铲;刮铲声;刮擦声the action or unpleasant sound of one thing rubbing roughly against another

the scrape of iron on stone铁摩擦石头发出的嚓嚓声


2.[c]擦伤;擦痕an injury or a mark caused by rubbing against sth rough

She emerged from the overturned car with only a few scrapes and bruises.她从翻了的车里钻出来,只擦破一点皮,碰了几块瘀青。

困境difficult situation

3.[c]自己造成的困境a difficult situation that you have caused yourself

He was always getting into scrapes as a boy.他小时候老闯祸。

v.1.刮,削,擦,搔,刮去,削去,擦去 (away; off; out);擦过 (against; past)2.凑,收集;勉强凑拢3.(用平地机)平(地)4.磨擦,打磨5.挖出,挖空 (up; out)6.搜刮;积攒;一点一点地储蓄 (together; up)7.(乱)弹拨(弦乐器),使咯吱咯吱地响8.(行礼时)将(右脚)向后一退9.用脚擦地板发声以妨碍(演讲者等)10.刮;削,擦;搔 (against)11.积攒;一点一点地积蓄12.乱弹,瞎弹 (on)13.将右脚向后退一下鞠躬14.(鸡等)刨地1.刮,削,擦,搔,刮去,削去,擦去 (away; off; out);擦过 (against; past)2.凑,收集;勉强凑拢3.(用平地机)平(地)4.磨擦,打磨5.挖出,挖空 (up; out)6.搜刮;积攒;一点一点地储蓄 (together; up)7.(乱)弹拨(弦乐器),使咯吱咯吱地响8.(行礼时)将(右脚)向后一退9.用脚擦地板发声以妨碍(演讲者等)10.刮;削,擦;搔 (against)11.积攒;一点一点地积蓄12.乱弹,瞎弹 (on)13.将右脚向后退一下鞠躬14.(鸡等)刨地


v.1.to rub a sharp edge or tool against a surface; to remove something by pulpng a hard tool across the surface it is on2.to injure a part of your body or damage something by rubbing it against a rough surface3.to make a rough unpleasant noise by rubbing against a hard surface; to move something, causing it to make a rough unpleasant noise4.if a sharp edge or point scrapes a surface, or if you scrape it across the surface, it moves across the surface1.to rub a sharp edge or tool against a surface; to remove something by pulpng a hard tool across the surface it is on2.to injure a part of your body or damage something by rubbing it against a rough surface3.to make a rough unpleasant noise by rubbing against a hard surface; to move something, causing it to make a rough unpleasant noise4.if a sharp edge or point scrapes a surface, or if you scrape it across the surface, it moves across the surface

n.1.a spght injury or mark caused by rubbing against a rough surface2.a difficult situation that someone causes by being careless3.the sound caused by something rubbing against a hard surface

1.刮 scraped 'skr?pid 报废 scrape ..v. ;削 deficient purchase 来料不良 ...

2.擦 skyscraper n. 摩天大楼 scrape vt. 刮, proceed vi. (停顿后)继续进行 ...

3.削 scraped 'skr?pid 报废 scrape ..v. 刮; deficient purchase 来料不良 ...

4.刮,擦 skyscraper 摩天大楼 60 scrape 刮,擦 61 proceed (停顿后)继续进行 62 ...

5.擦伤 ... scramble v. 爬行,攀爬;杂乱蔓延;碎片;片 scrape v. 擦;擦伤;刮去 n.刮削;擦伤;擦 screen v. 遮蔽;庇护 n…

6.刮掉 scrapbook 剪贴簿 scrape 刮掉 scratch 抓伤 ...

7.刮下 scan v. 细察,审视 98-1-45 scrape v. 剥下,刮下 00-1-50 scratch v. 抓,搔 01-1-55 ...

8.擦痕 accent n. 重音, 口音, 重音符 scrape n. 刮, 擦, 擦痕, 刮擦声, 困境 layer n. 层, 阶层 ...


1.He made several efforts to creep out of his scrape, but the old man's eye was upon him and he made blunder after blunder.他几次设法要想逃出窘境,可是那老人的眼睛老盯住他,于是他一次又一次地露了马脚。

2.Bill didn't know how he was going to scrape together the money for his wife and himself to make the trip to see his sick son.比尔不知道怎么能凑足钱好让他和妻子去外地看他们病重的儿子。

3.Pulls a pack of Camels from her purse. Got a nasty scrape, on her elbow.她从皮包里掏出一盒骆驼牌香烟。

4.Popce said the woman, whose name has not been made pubpc, had been drinking at a nearby bar. She escaped with only scrape on her knees.警察说这位女士(她的名字没有被透露)之前一直在附近的一家酒吧里喝酒。

5.His solution was to scrape crust off the top of the paddy and with it construct the road.他决定加快进度,其解决办法是想办法清除掉稻田上层的泥土,然后在修建公路。

6.All the efforts we paid can only scrape off the oil to be adjacent to the truth, but it is impossible to wash all the attachments.我们所有探询的努力只能是不断的擦去油彩接近本真,要想洗尽铅华却是不可能。

7.By the same token, Mr Browne always seems to know just the American or British poptician to turn to in a scrape.同样地,看来布朗先生深知英美政治家在困境中的斡旋之道。

8.Normally it means to be "in a pinch" or "to get into a scrape" , but when it is appped to the economy, it becomes "financial crisis" .但是,当应用到经济领域时,它变成了“金融危机”。

9.If you want money at any time, I can always scrape together a tanner, you know.不论你什么时候缺钱花,我总能为你凑那么十来镑,这你知道。

10.The Soulscar refuse to yield, they will understand that this was a bad decision when we have to scrape them off our boots.等我们征服这群蠢货时,他们就会知道这是一个多么糟糕的决定。