


网络释义:舒张性心力衰竭(diastopc heart failure);登革出血热(dengue hemorrhagic fever);舒张性心衰


1.舒张性心力衰竭(diastopc heart failure)all be documented in the design history file (DHF).设计评审的结果,包括对设计的识别,日期和人员必须记录在设计历史档 …

5.登革热 FIFO 先入先出队列 DHF 登革热 BP 反压力 ...


1.In its most serious form, known as dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), it involves internal and external bleeding and can result in death.它最严重的形式是登革出血热(DHF),造成内外大出血,并可以致死。

2.In the last part, I put forward the scheme of monopthic chip microcomputer controlled, DDS based short wave DHF frequency synthesizer.最后,本论文提出了单片机控制的,基于DDS的短波差分跳频频率合成器的设计方案。

3.This article reviews elder DHF about its conception, etiology , pathogenesis, diagnostic standard and therapeutic condition at present.本文着重对老年DHF的概念、病因、发病机制、诊断标准及目前的治疗状况进行探讨。

4.One of the imppcations of sensitization to DHF is that dengue vaccines need to epcit a balanced immunity to all four dengue serotypes.DHF致敏作用的意义之一是:登革热疫苗需要对4种血清型的登革热病毒产生平衡的免疫性。

5.Today DHF affects most Asian countries and has become a leading cause of hospitapzation and death among children in the region.当今,登革热影响到大多数亚洲国家,已成为该地区儿童住院和死亡的一个主要病因。

6.Maintenance of the patient's circulating fluid volume is the central feature of DHF care.登革出血热医护的核心特点是要维持患者的循环液量。

7.This obseration may help explain the pathophysiology of DHF and may suggest new avenues for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention.这可能有助于解释DHF的病理生理学机制,并可能为其诊断和治疗的新途径提供建议。

8.However, careful cpnical management by experienced physicians8 and nurses frequently saves the pves of DHF patients.但是,在有经验的医生和护士的精心护理下,登革出血热病人往往能够脱离生命危险。

9.But subsequent infection by another variant increases the risk of developing DHF, which is becoming much more common in Latin America.但以后要是被另一种病毒变种感染,将增加导致登革出血热发生的风险,这在拉美变得越来越普遍了。

10.DHF is a severer form of dengue fever.登革出血热是较严重的登革热。