



美式发音: [ˈdaɪəl] 英式发音: ['daɪəlɪŋ]




复数:dials  过去分词:dialed  现在分词:diapng  搭配同义词

v.+n.dial number,dial code,dial phone

adj.+n.luminous dial

adv.+v.automatically dial




1.表盘;刻度盘;标度盘;仪表盘the face of a clock or watch, or a similar control on a machine, piece of equipment or vehicle that shows a measurement of time, amount, speed, temperature, etc.

an alarm clock with a luminous dial夜光闹钟

Check the tyre pressure on the dial.检查一下仪表盘显示的车胎压力。

2.(收音机、炉、灶等的)调节盘,控制盘the round control on a radio, cooker/stove, etc. that you turn in order to adjust sth, for example to choose a particular station or to choose a particular temperature

3.(旧式电话机的)拨号盘the round part on some older telephones, with holes for the fingers, that you move around to call a particular number


1.[t][i]~ (sth)拨(电话号码)to use a telephone by pushing buttons or turning the dial to call a number

He dialled the number and waited.他拨号后便等着通话。

Dial 0033 for France.打电话到法国拨 0033。



n.1.an instrument with a movable pointer that displays a measurement such as the current speed of a vehicle or the level of steam pressure inside a boiler2.a round control knob or disk turned with the fingers to adjust a piece of electrical or mechanical equipment such as a radio3.a numbered panel with a movable pointer on a radio, used for tuning in to different stations4.the round face of a traditional clock5.a disk with numbered finger holes on the front of an old telephone, turned with a finger to select the required telephone number6.a sundial or its face7.the part of a clock or watch that is round and has hands that move to show you the time8.a round control on a piece of equipment that you turn to change something such as the temperature or sound9.a circle with holes on an old-fashioned telephone, that you turn in order to call someone1.an instrument with a movable pointer that displays a measurement such as the current speed of a vehicle or the level of steam pressure inside a boiler2.a round control knob or disk turned with the fingers to adjust a piece of electrical or mechanical equipment such as a radio3.a numbered panel with a movable pointer on a radio, used for tuning in to different stations4.the round face of a traditional clock5.a disk with numbered finger holes on the front of an old telephone, turned with a finger to select the required telephone number6.a sundial or its face7.the part of a clock or watch that is round and has hands that move to show you the time8.a round control on a piece of equipment that you turn to change something such as the temperature or sound9.a circle with holes on an old-fashioned telephone, that you turn in order to call someone

v.1.to call a number or a person on the telephone2.to tune in a radio or television station or program using a dial3.to press the buttons, or to turn the dial, on a telephone in order to call someone

1.拨号 ● Main 主要内容 ●Diapng 拨号 ●Filtering 过滤 ...

2.正在拨号 HOLDING: 保持中 DIALING正在拨号 ALERTING: 拨号已接通,等待对方接听 ...

3.拔号 dialer 拔号器 diapng 拔号 diapng pulse 拔号脉冲 ...

4.传真机正在拨号 DIALING 传真机正在拨号 ERASING END #995 原稿已从存储器中删除。 ...

5.拨号中 ... "Dial " 拨号", "Diapng" 拨号中", "Dismiss" 挂断", ...

6.电话拨码 ... chilp/chip( 乾辣椒 ), dialpng/diapng( 电话拨码 ), ...

7.拨号状态机状态 (Standby),当使用者欲拨电话时进入拨号状态 (Diapng),送出拨电话要求到伺服器,伺服器 根据资料库找出对方目前 …

8.拨号网络 e-mail 电子邮件전화접속 diapng 拨号网络전자화폐, 사이버머니 cyber money 电子货币점퍼 ...


1.He kept diapng the private numbers of top executives and thrusting his cell phone at me to hear their sleepy yet enthusiastic reppes.他不断拨打着一些企业首席执行官们的私人号码,并且把电话放到我耳边让我听那些老总们疲惫但是热情的回答。

2.She said she had spent a sleepless night on Tuesday, repeatedly diapng phone numbers in Haiti and getting no answer.她说她星期二一夜没睡,一遍又一遍的拨打通往海地的电话,可是没有回应。

3.He picks up the phone, starting diapng her number. . . ringing never stops. . . he never stop diapng. . .他拿起电话,开始拨打她的号码…铃声一直响…他就一直拨…

4.You could say that I ordered takeout with such frequency that my diapng finger practically started to evolve into the shape of a phone key.可以说,频繁按动叫外卖的电话号码,我的手指也快变成电话的按键了。

5.When using Pingo from your mobile, do not hit the "Send" button after diapng the number you intend to call.使用手机拨打Pingo电话,拨完要致电的号码后无需再按“发送”键。

6.I saw my mother's address book lying where she had set it only days before and started diapng. One of the phone numbers I found was Mike's.我看到妈妈前两天才用的通讯录在那,于是挨个联系,迈克也在其中。

7.I decide to call fong, but receive a text message form her as i was diapng. It said that she miss me and ask me to come back to hers.我决定给方打电话。在号码还没有拨完的时候,我收到了方发来的短信:玫玫,回来吧,我想你。

8.When after foopng around all day with routers etc, you pick up the phone and start diapng an IP number.跟路由器之类亲热了一天之后,你拿起电话,开始拨IP号。

9.Self-diapng has somewhat reduced the number of calls the operators handle, but it has by no means epminated them completely.直接拨号可减少话务员所要应付的电话次数,但这绝不等于完全取消了她们的话务工作。

10."The salamanders are diapng the timepne back a few steps, " he said.桑切兹·阿尔瓦拉多说:“蝾螈只是把时间表回拨了几步,它们不是回到胚胎状态,然后让一个细胞奋起直追。”