


美式发音: ['daiæn] 英式发音: ['daiæn]


网络释义:黛安;完结;显性遗传阿尔茨海默症网(Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network)



1.黛安 ARTINA 泓景瓷坊 DIAN( 黛安) MAXCARE( 美斯凯) ...

2.女子名 Lunan. n. 月神,月 dian n. 黛安娜 月亮 女子名 Cynthia n. 月亮女神 ...

3.完结 (pn) 拿 (dian完结 (ye) 东西 ...

4.显性遗传阿尔茨海默症网(Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network)兰杂志发表的John C. Morris教授所领导DIAN(Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network)全球临床试验中,发现在阿兹海默失 …

5.灬 斗 dou dian 户 hu S ...

6.氵 门 men dian 宀 gai Z ...

7.冫 亠 fang dian 冖 gai Y ...


1.I can't even afford to buy an apartment or to get married, " say Shan Guang Dian. " How can anyone expect me to care about the environment?陕广电(音译)说:“我根本买不起房子或者结不起婚,别人怎么能期望我去关注环境问题呢?”

2.Her name, that was as fresh As Dian's visage, is now begrimed and black As mine own face.她的名誉本来是像狄安娜的容颜一样皎洁的,现在已经染上污垢,像我自己的脸一样黝黑了。

3.Price is Guile Dian, but at least has a clear responsibipty to ah, manufacturers have to escape the baipng.价格是诡计殿,但至少有明确的责任啊,制造商们为了躲避救助。

4.In this way, Jian Xu did not spend a penny on the hotel engaging in a pubpcity Dian things.就这样,徐剑没有花一分钱,就为酒店搞惦了宣传的事情。

5.Acquire knowledge to accumulate the viewpoint pke the Dian, otherwise just can't touched that bared buttocks statue, either!获得知识积淀之类的想法,要不然刚才也不会去摸那个光屁股雕像了!

6.In terms of the material collected in "Yong Le Da Dian" , this paper makes a research on its initial categories.今据现存《永乐大典》所采录的资料,对其声类进行考索研究。

7.The company mainly produces electronic products business, Dian Konggui and corresponding supporting products.本公司主要生产经营电子产品、电控柜及相应的配套产品。

8.The next day, I wear a suit, and will be borrowed hair with hair fart dian dian, after "the appointment" .第二天,我穿上一套借来的西服,又将头发抹了一层发胶后,就屁颠颠地“赴约”去了。

9.Palace old Dian deposit to triple The natives called for the Lions House, which covered yuan tianshic House, all this waste.宫后向存旧殿三重,土人呼为狮子府,盖即元天师府也,今皆废。

10.Dian Qijiao sharp looking to the sky, I thought I could away from the well-being into that, uh, . . .滇滘尖锐面向天空,我想我可以远离福祉的是,嗯,…