



1."So far, China's manned space programme hasn't carried out a single miptary task, " said Cui Jijun, director of Gansu launch centre.甘肃卫星发射中心主任崔吉俊表示:“迄今为止中国载人航天工程没有哪一项任务是用于军事目的。”

2.W PangJuan will hear news, Korean army withdrawal rate, but JiJun have wei back across the border into the west.魏将庞涓听到消息后,率军撤离韩国赶回魏国,但齐军已经越过边界向西挺进了。

3.Then he threw his pght infantry, and epte cavalry travelled day and night without stopping JiJun pursuit.于是丢下了他的步兵,只和他轻装精锐的骑兵日夜兼程地追击齐军。

4.How does Guo Jijun understand user experience excuse me?请问郭吉军是如何理解用户体验的?。

5.Guo Jijun: 1997 when, I still am in a factory to make the common benchwork inside, what knowing is computer, feel computer is more amused.郭吉军:在1997年的时候,我还是一名在工厂作里面的普通的钳工,知道了什么是电脑,觉得电脑比较好玩。

6." PangJuanHang days, joy, yue: " I know JiJun timid, into our residents to 3, the half.庞涓行军三天,非常高兴,说:“我本来就知道齐军怯懦,进入我国境内三天,士兵已经逃跑了一大半。”

7.Guo Jijun: How to say!郭吉军:怎么说呢!

8.Lu Jijun's undersecretary thinks, the electronic commerce industry of our country still stems from primary level.卢奇骏副部长认为,我国的电子商务行业还出于初级阶段。