



n.散居在外的犹太人, 散居,犹太人散居的各个地方


People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel.



1. 海外的犹太人

2. 海外犹太人聚居之所

3. (任何族群的)大移居

4. 离乡背井聚居的族群

5. 与占优势的宗教团体共存的少数派宗教团体

(the diaspora)Jews living outside Israel
翻译:the dispersion of the Jews beyond Israel
翻译:the dispersion of any people from their original homeland
the diaspora of boat people from Asia.
翻译:the people so dispersed
the Ukrainian diaspora flocked back to Kiev.
The main diaspora began in the 8th–6th centuries BC, and even before the sack of Jerusalem in AD 70 the number of Jews dispersed by the diaspora was greater than that living in Israel. Thereafter, Jews were dispersed even more widely throughout the Roman world and beyond派生
Greek, from diaspeirein 'disperse', from dia 'across'+ speirein 'scatter'. The term originated in the Septuagint (Deuteronomy 28:25) in the phrase esēdiaspora en pasais basileias tēs gēs 'thou shalt be a dispersion in all kingdoms of the earth'


名词 diaspora:

the body of Jews (or Jewish communities) outside Palestine or modern Israel

the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel; from the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 587-86 BC when they were exiled to Babylonia up to the present time

the dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language or culture)


1. After the 1949 revolution she fled to Hong Kong and then to America, where she continued to write and translate but became ever more reclusive, even as her fame grew throughout the Chinese diaspora.


2. There have been several great migrations, or diaspora, in Romani history.


3. "There is a large Lebanese diaspora in Canada which must include some Hizbollah supporters.


4. After diaspora, Jew begins to move to the Occident cosmically.


5. “The wounds of war”, he wrote in his self-penned obituary “will scar them for ever”, leaving “an even more bitter and hateful diaspora”.


6. The term "diaspora" is one of the most prevail concepts in academic dialogue at the end of the twentieth century,which was broadly used in literary study and culture study.


7. A genealogical study of diaspora


8. The concept of "diaspora" is recently emerging as a general explanation of the contemporary postcolonial cultural and identificatory experience.


9. Diaspora Literature has been a hot topic in recent academic world.


10. Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshal has advocated a new umbrella body to represent Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and in the diaspora.

“现在,我们说...与那些拒绝巴勒斯坦解放组织的人没有对话, ”阿巴斯在埃及首都开罗的新闻发布会上说。

11. "the diaspora of English into several mutually incomprehensible languages" (Randolph Quirk)


12. "Diaspora"is an ancient word that has gained new meanings in the past few decades. In the context of cultural production related to postcoloniality and globalization,"diaspora"is a new word.


13. Diaspora Consciousness in Invisible Man


14. One significant development of recent years that will be discussed here is the shift in the relationship between Israel and diaspora Jewry.


15. Members of the Armenian diaspora believe that justice will not be done until the world, and above all Turkey, accepts this.


16. The Limitation of Subject Concerns in Chinese Diaspora Fiction


17. Since the 1990s, with the enhancement of the effect of Indian diaspora to both host countries and India, the issue of Indian diaspora has attracted more and more attentions in India and abroad than ever before.

上世纪 90年代以来 ,随着海外印度人对所在国和印度影响的增强 ,海外印度人在印度及海外都引起了比以前更多的关注。

18. Within the context of translation, cultural diaspora means rethinking cultural identity and moving towards a diasporic register as a remedy for the insufficient connections between the source and target texts.


19. Chinese Migrants Abroad: Cultural, Educational, And Social Dimensions Of The Chinese Diaspora


20. Writing Diaspora: Tactics of Intervention in Contemporary Cultural Studies


21. However, what is important is Philo's background of the living state of diaspora, which influenced the unity of Philo's thoughts in multi-culture.


22. Where Anthropology Meets Diaspora Studies: Some Considerations in Studies of Overseas Chinese Villages


23. Today most of them have regained their freedom, but the legacy of their enslavement has been the diaspora of the race.


24. Diaspora Armenians are especially incensed by a plan for a joint commission of historians to investigate the events leading up to 1915.


25. The three aspects of Philo's concept of Diaspora are bases and reflect the Grecized Jewry nobles' special understanding of their own nation-identity.


26. Many senior and middle managers aren't fluent in English.A large number of managers are expatriates.Some members of the Chinese diaspora have returned home to work.


27. Among them was the Hmong Diaspora Leadership Council, a nationwide task force aimed at uniting Hmong organizations and communities to help persecuted Hmong refugees in Laos and Thailand.


28. Other governments, increasingly aware of the funds available from their diaspora, may follow.


29. Other websites enable members of the diaspora to provide loved ones with a range of goods and services from food to mobile-phone credits.


30. The Jews of Galilee made the journey south, and there would be contingents of the diaspora, the colonies of Jews living in practically every major city of the Roman and Hellenic world.


31. Millions of members of the African diaspora stayed up all night, like many people in America, to cheer when Barack Obama was declared the next president of the United States.


32. Chinese Diaspora


33. Of the 50,000 copies printed, 40,000 are sold to the Zimbabwean diaspora, who live mainly in South Africa, Botswana and Britain.


34. With little opportunity to travel, and a whole world within their borders, Indians have tended, until relatively recently, to be rather inward-looking-unlike the country's vast and thriving diaspora.


35. The Evolvement of Indian Policy towards Indian Diaspora


36. Indian government has adopted a series of measures so as to attract more Indian diaspora to take part in India's economic construction and make a contribution to India's development.

印度政府采取了一系列措施 ,以吸引更多的海外印度人投身印度国内的经济建设 ,为印度的发展作贡献。

37. India's valley-dwellers represent just one contingent in a much larger diaspora.


38. Dangerous Designs: Asian Women Fashion the Diaspora Economies


39. Taiwan, along with other parts of the Chinese diaspora like Hong Kong and Singapore, accounts for the majority of foreign direct investment into China.


40. A powerful incentive for the latter is their realisation that the Tigers' ability to shake down the Tamil diaspora for funds will be weakened by their leader's death.


41. Reflections on and representations of the loss/reconstruction of diaspora cultural identity in postcolonial migration writing


42. Therefore, the investments made by Armenian Diaspora are very important, and that"s why this thesis also analyzed the problems and salvations of establishing a good investment environment in Armenia.


43. Secret talks between Turkey and Armenia to open diplomatic ties and reopen their borders are hotly opposed by some in the Armenian diaspora's lobby in America.


44. After the diaspora or scattering of the Israelites, legend has it that several of these tries were lost.


45. Ethnicity runs deep in this country, among its people, and across the oceans of our diaspora.


46. Jewish communities in China try hard to preserve Jewish tradition and culture, and strengthen Jewish identity in the Oriental diaspora.


47. Overseas, the diaspora will keep up the calls for investigations into alleged war crimes, and press for a political settlement to ensure lasting peace.


48. In the current context of globalization, the phenomenon of Diaspora and diasporic writing as its consequence have been attracting more and more attention from both comparatists and cultural studies scholars.


49. In exile a version of Lhasa dialect is taught in schools and has become the common, standardized language of the diaspora.


50. In the history of Jewish diaspora in China, Kaifeng Jews were rather spectacular.

在犹太民族在华散居的历史上 ,开封犹太人尤为令人注目。

51. In countries like Somalia, with chaotic conditions at home and a huge diaspora, cash transfers by phone would be a boon.


52. In America his audiences, largely third-generation Irish of the diaspora, would weep and sing along until, according to the New York Times man, they were “ready to go out and die for Ireland”.


53. Ellison consciously represents this opinion in his literary practice, and Invisible Man is an epitome of diaspora consciousness both in artistry and theme.


54. Christianity first appeared in Asia Minor diaspora of the Jewish middle class people who have their roots in history.


55. Race in a Multicultural World: Migration, Exile, Diaspora, and Multiple Identities


56. Most diaspora Jews still support Israel strongly.


57. Some of the most fervent supporters of India's Hindutva movement come from the diaspora.


58. Keywords Naipaul;identity;mimicry;hybridity;diaspora;


59. If it exploits links to the large North African diaspora in Europe, targets there may be next.


60. Specific initiatives to encourage better co-operation with moderate Muslim countries such as Morocco, which are as worried as host countries in the West that their diaspora could become radicalised, may be worth trying.


61. Mr Nicolaou added that the branch in Jaffna would serve the northern region's growing horticulture, fishery and seafood industries as well as handle remittances from the peninsula's overseas diaspora.


62. Despite the anger amongst the Uighur diaspora, governments in Central Asia have kept a guarded silence over the events, with the growing importance of trade ties with Beijing foremost in their minds.


63. One in Hellenistic times who adopted the Greek language and culture, especially a Jew of the Diaspora.


64. People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel.


65. The essential factors of the ethnic conflict influenced mostly Philo's concept of Diaspora.


66. Keywords Nostalgic Writings;Diaspora;Homesickness;Taiwan;KMT;


67. With the assets of the worldwide Chinese diaspora estimated as high as $3 trillion, the overseas Chinese may represent a greater economic force than mainland China itself.


68. The concept of "Chinese Diaspora Fiction" enables us to have a mutual study on the Chinese Diaspora fiction written both in Chinese and in foreign languages.


69. The wounds of war will scar them forever, and you will also have an even more bitter and hateful Diaspora to contend with.


70. safeguarding the minority diaspora's rights


71. Diaspora Criticism and Chinese American Literature


72. Generally a diaspora has a triangular structure consisting of a migrant, host and home component.


73. cultural diaspora


74. In addition to China's population, there is a widespread Chinese diaspora.


75. After tracing its migration processes and describing its collective characteristics,this paper is to explore the implications of the long-distance nationalism together with the diaspora theory and practices.


76. This essay, from the diaspora literature and Gao Jialin's tragedy in Life by Lu Yao, studies the diaspora literature of mainland China.


77. Diaspora consciousness


78. Diaspora Literature


79. Literature of Diaspora and Cultural Identity


80. Diaspora Literature and Comparative Literature: Component and Connection
