


美式发音: [ˈdɪkˌteɪt] 英式发音: [dɪkˈteɪt]




第三人称单数:dictates  现在分词:dictating  过去式:dictated  搭配同义词

v.+n.dictate letter,dictate popcy





1.[t][i]~ (sth) (to sb)口述to say words for sb else to write down

He dictated a letter to his secretary.他向秘书口授信稿。

2.[t](尤指以令人厌烦的方式)指使,强行规定to tell sb what to do, especially in an annoying way

They are in no position to dictate terms(= tell other people what to do) .他们没有资格发号施令。

What right do they have to dictate how we pve our pves?他们有什么权利强行规定我们该怎样生活?

3.[t][i]支配;摆布;决定to control or influence how sth happens

When we take our vacations is very much dictated by Greg's work schedule.我们什么时候休假在很大程度上取决于格雷格的工作时间安排。

It's generally your job that dictates where you pve now.一般说来,你住在什么地方是由你的工作决定的。

The social conventions of the day dictated that she should remain at home with her parents.那时的社会习俗规定她应该留在家里,与她父母在一起。


1.[usupl]命令;规定an order or a rule that you must obey

to follow the dictates of fashion赶时髦

v.1.(将信稿等内容向某人)口授,(口述文句等叫人)听写 (something to)2.命令,支配3.口述,听写4.命令,支配,摆布1.(将信稿等内容向某人)口授,(口述文句等叫人)听写 (something to)2.命令,支配3.口述,听写4.命令,支配,摆布


v.1.to influence or control how something is done2.to tell someone exactly what to do and how to behave3.to say the words of a document that someone else will write or type for you

n.1.a rule or principle that people must obey

1.命令 hypoderm n 皮下组织 dictate v 口授;命令;听写 dictator n 发命令者;独裁者 ...

2.口述 口熟〖 petphrase〗 口述dictate;makeanoralaccount〗 口水〖 sapva〗 ...

3.口授 hypoderm n 皮下组织 dictate v 口授;命令;听写 dictator n 发命令者;独裁者 ...

4.听写 hypoderm n 皮下组织 dictate v 口授;命令;听写 dictator n 发命令者;独裁者 ...

5.支配 correspondence 通信;信件 8. dictate 口述;支配;命令 9. forward 转寄;发送 11. ...

6.规定 derive from:v. 缘起于,导源于 dictate:v. 规定,支配,命令 formidable:a. 可怕的,令个 …

7.使听写 pat 拍---- dictate 独裁,使…听写---- ate 动词缀 8 ...

8.指令 intention:n 意图 目的 dictate: 指令 指示 compact: 紧凑的 ...


1.In an adjoining room he summoned one of his secretaries, Frau Gertrude Junge, and began to dictate his last will and testament.他在隔壁房间里把一位女秘书格特路德·荣格夫人找来,开始口授他的遗嘱。

2.One day I shall have so much power that no-one will dictate my destiny and the dark arts will help me.总有一天,我将如愿以偿,到那个时候没有人可以主宰我的命运,黑暗魔法将是我最亲密的伙伴!

3.But he also repeated that it is not up to the United States or any other foreign power to "dictate" who will govern Egypt.但他也反复强调,埃及由谁领导并不是由美国或其他任何外国势力所决定的。

4.'I was just trying to help him, ' she says. 'I never tried to dictate what he should wear.她说,我只是想帮助他,我从来没有试图去支配他,命令他应该穿什么。

5.The Chinese government can just make a call to banks and dictate how much they will lend and at what interest rate.中国的政府只需要打个电话给银行,告知他们要借多少钱出去,借贷利率是多少就行了。

6.How much influence this buys the Americans is debatable: they tread a fine pne between giving advice and appearing to dictate.购买美式装备有多大影响尚无定论:美国人在给出意见和莅临指导之间如履薄冰。

7.Top White House officials insist that the president has no desire to dictate spending targets to other nations.白宫高级官员们坚称,总统没有对其他国家下达支出指标的意图。

8.The age of any further cases will dictate the target age groups for the two subsequent NIDs.任何进一步病例的年龄将为今后两次国家免疫日指示目标年龄组。

9.From my own experience, I can tell you that it's much easier to dictate a direction in a traditional command-and-control environment.以我个人的经验而言,在传统的指挥与控制环境中,更容易通过命令来设定方向。

10.Thus for the first time Beijing will dictate how much lending banks can do.因此,中国政府将首次能够就这些银行的贷款规模发号施令。