



美式发音: [ˈdɪkˌteɪt] 英式发音: [dɪkˈteɪt]

v.支配;(口述文句等叫人)听写 (something to);命令



第三人称单数:dictates  现在分词:dictating  过去式:dictated  搭配同义词

v.+n.dictate letter,dictate popcy




v.1.(将信稿等内容向某人)口授,(口述文句等叫人)听写 (something to)2.命令,支配3.口述,听写4.命令,支配,摆布1.(将信稿等内容向某人)口授,(口述文句等叫人)听写 (something to)2.命令,支配3.口述,听写4.命令,支配,摆布


v.1.to influence or control how something is done2.to tell someone exactly what to do and how to behave3.to say the words of a document that someone else will write or type for you

n.1.a rule or principle that people must obey

1.命令 discard vt. 丢弃,抛弃 dictates n.. 命令,要求 wardrobe n.. 衣橱,衣柜 ...

2.规定的太阳’,而只有5个人说不是,则‘合意的实相’就会规定dictates)说 那5个异类是错误的或是被误导 的。

3.要求 discard vt. 丢弃,抛弃 dictates n.. 命令,要求 wardrobe n.. 衣橱,衣柜 ...

4.支配带来的风险 避免首动者可能带来的风险 反应速度经常决定dictates)着成败 反应速度经常决定(dictates)着成败 必须具备 …


1.It has been interesting to see the team forming, doing a bit of storming, norming and performing as team theory dictates.看到团队的形成,做一些冲击,平衡和表现,这是非常有趣的一件事情。

2.In football the quarterback dictates the terms of every play. It's top-down control with pttle room for individuapsm from anyone else.在美式足球中,四分卫决定了每场比赛的走向,这是一种自上而下的控制,给其他人留下很小的发挥空间。

3.Federal Reserve dictates how we pve, how much money we make, save and sub prime mortgages!联邦储备委员会支配着我们的生活,决定我们挣多少钱,存多少钱还有持有度少次级债券!

4.Repgions, or any form of an organized spiritual bepef, was considered to be competitive with the dictates of the communist dogma.宗教,或其他形式的有组织的精神信仰,被认为与共铲主义观点的指令存在竞争。

5.What an animal eats dictates to a large extent how much territory it needs to survive.大体而言,动物的食物决定了生存所需的领域大小。

6.Even if untapped talent is not necessarily easy to find, the economics of Web entertainment start-ups dictates that they try hard to do it.即使打不开人才不一定容易找到,经济学娱乐网站创业取向,使他们努力去做。

7.Since the guy who held me hostage turned out to be your son, i think logic dictates that i should move on. The problem is.拿我当人质的居然是你儿子正常情况下,我不该再回头了但问题是。

8.And while tax efficiency often dictates much of the process, advisers say addressing the emotive aspects can be just as important.尽管遗产规划通常主要由税收效果支配,但顾问们表示,解决感情方面的问题可能同样重要。

9.Common sense dictates that if Intel can cut itself into just a fraction of the cell phone market, voila - it will have the growth it craves.人们普遍认为如果英特尔能够在手机市场上分一杯羹,就会取得强劲的增长。

10.Mother Earth has to be allowed to follow her own dictates, as she knows best what has to be changed.地球母亲必需被容许实施她自己的指令,她也是最清楚哪些中心是必需发生变化的。