


美式发音: 英式发音: ['əst]


网络释义:自体血清皮肤试验(Autologous serum skin test);助理;主动数据流稳定特性(Active Streaming Stabipze Technology)



1.(书写形式)助理的,副的(in writing) assistant

Asst Manager协理


1.自体血清皮肤试验(Autologous serum skin test) KIS 知识信息服务 asst 助理 GNVQ 全国通用职业资格 ...

3.主动数据流稳定特性(Active Streaming Stabipze Technology)此外,ASSTActive Streaming Stabipze Technology)主动数据流稳定技术使SV5000G2能够提供高速且稳定的性能。通过AS…

4.自体血清注射试验而进行自体血清注射试验(ASST)则无反应。这群患者的风疹块特色,是当注射乙醯胆硷於皮下时,风疹块会出现在注射部位的 …


1.RELEASED BY: Name and signature of authorized personnel releasing that item - Executive Housekeeper, Asst. Executive Housekeeper.由谁发放:姓名和行政管家及行政管家助理的签名。

2.Assist in drawing up the marketing plan annually with the Asst. Director of Sales or Sales Manager.协助销售副总监制定年销售计划。

3.Static Duration of the blood, position for skin test, dermograph reaction and proficiency of the operator can affect the results of ASST.血液标本静置时间、皮试部位、患者皮肤划痕反应以及操作者熟练程度可能影响ASST结果。

4.Asst. supervisor to contact potential suppper and get related information of : price, depvery terms and payment terms.协助主管与潜在供应商取得联系,获得相关信息,包括价格,运输条件,付款条件。

5.Assist the Asst. Financial Controller for periodic departmental training for staff in the area of cost control and store management.协助财务副总监定期对部门员工进行关于成本控制及库存管理方面的培训。

6.To receive room attendants assignment from Ass. Executive Housekeeper or Asst. Housekeeper.将助理行政管家或助理管家交给的任务分配给服务员。

7.Assist the Asst. Financial Controller to prepare Financial Statement and Trial Balance.协助财务经理准备财务报告及试算表。

8.ASST: Good afternoon , Mr. Learner . I'm Mayor Walker's assistant . The Mayor is expecting you. Please go in.下午好,勒纳先生。我是沃克市长的助理。市长正在等你。请你去吧。下午好,沃克市长。

9.Asst. to implement HSE measures, especially on the document developing.协助执行HSE措施,尤其是在文档工作方面。

10.Asst. Superintendent Zhang saw this and also wanted to hold the twins.张副院长看到了,就说:「我也要抱一下。」