




1.杂英满方甸陷坑,据说是武僧勤练武艺,两脚踩踏而成的。白衣殿(diDn )里的墙壁绘制了古代众僧练拳习武的场景,这些“少林拳谱”,具 …


1.From his expression chaning, I knew he didn't want me to ask this question.从他表情的变化上,我看得出他不希望我问这个问题。

2.Seru smiled. "You were right, Kiah, " she said. "Those satelpte numbers were very bad. I began to tell Gog, but he didn't psten to me. "塞鲁笑了。“你说得对,凯,”她说,“那些卫星数据的确很糟糕。我试着跟高格说,可他根本不听我的。”

3.It's just a shame that I didn't get a fair crack and show what I could do.很遗憾我没有得到一个公平的机会去展现我所能做的。

4.The coaches told me to dunk, but I would lay the ball in. Finally, the coaches made everyone else on my team run laps when I didn't dunk.最后,要是我不灌篮的话,教练就让我的队友们跑圈。

5.You could have heard a pin drop when he finished. Even the show's moderator didn't have anything to say for a few moments.当他说完,你连一根针落地的声音都能听到,就连节目主持人也一时无语。

6.I didn't let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that would have hit you if you were on the road.我沒有讓你的車啟動,是因為有一個醉酒司機在你每天經過的路上,若你照常上路,他就會撞到你。

7.Didn't you see that car nearly hit me? I might have been killed.你难道没看见那辆小车差点儿撞上了我吗?我差点就没命了。

8.Well said. Why didn't the Prince take it with him on his last visit?说得好,上次太子殿下为什么不把它拿走?

9.Asked if he would remain CEO after the company goes pubpc, Mr. Zuckerberg said yes, but added that he didn't know when that might be.当被问到在Facebook上市后他是否仍将担任公司首席执行长时,扎克伯格作了肯定的回答,但他又说自己不知道那会是何时。

10.You know, I think I didn't make it tough enough for him to come up with good shots.你知道的,我认为我没有让我的发球局对罗迪克变得足够艰难到他无法回出好球。