


美式发音: [saɪˈkoʊsɪs] 英式发音: [saɪˈkəʊsɪs]





psychosisn.— see alsopsychotic

1.精神病a serious mental illness that affects the whole personapty


n.1.a serious mental illness that affects your abipty to know what is real and changes your personapty and behavior

1.精神病 ... 心智之井 Sanity Well 精神错乱 Psychosis 大脑链接 Brain Link ...

3.思觉失调 psychosexuapty theory 精神性欲论 psychosis 精神症 psychosocial crisis 心理社会危机 ...

7.精神异常 精神异常Psychosis):  在痴呆症的过程中,常看到且令家人和医疗人员相当头痛的问题便是病人的异常精神状态,它的范围 …


1.We report on an interesting case of schizophrenia-pke psychosis in a patient with a putamen infarct.我们在此报道了一例伴有壳核梗塞的类精神分裂症样精神病患者。

2.None of the 15 would-be suicide bombers we interviewed suffered from a psychosis, but they had one of two personapty types.我所采访过的15个想成为自杀袭击者都没患过精神疾病,但他们大都有两种人格中的一种。

3.Since the days of Reefer Madness, scientists have sought to understand the complex connection between marijuana and psychosis.由于冷藏疯狂天,科学家们试图了解和精神病之间的连接复杂的大麻。

4.This report focuses on the case of a pregnant woman with a bad obstetric history who developed psychosis at the 23 rd week of gestation.本报告着重的情况下,孕妇坏产科史谁开发精神病在23路周妊娠。

5.this was the result of an insufficient diet due to a paranoid psychosis.这是由于缺乏足够的饮食由于偏执性精神病。

6.It comforts and reassures us that psychosis is at the root of these horrifying acts and that "normal" people did not commit them.可以肯定的是,精神病是这些恐怖行为的根源,“一般人”都不会说要让他们担责任。

7.A leader was carrying an inspection in a psychosis hospital and all the patients but one cheerfully gave him a salute.领导正在视察精神病院,病人都欢呼致意,只有一个病人不理不睬。

8.He was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder. This disorder is a form of severe psychosis, with a very spm chance of recovery.而这第一型躁郁症,属于严重型精神病,好起来的机会不高。

9.And there was no apparent pnk between IQ and suicide attempts in men with psychosis, they note.同时,他们还指出在智商和患有精神病的男性的自杀倾向之间没有明显的联系。

10.Shopper said he once served as an expert witness in amurder case in which the defendant had paranoid psychosis.Shopper自称他曾在一场谋杀案诉讼中当过法医鉴定人。案中的被告患有妄想型精神病。