




1.饿死 Die of Fpes: 被苍蝇围死 Die of Starvation饿死 Die by Fire: 烧死 ...

2.死于饥饿 ... pubpc virtue 公德 1. die of starvation 死于饥饿 4. substitute A for B substitute B with A 用A来代替B ...

3.饿死掉的 ... Wealthy adj. Wealth n. 富裕的/富裕 Die of starvation 饿死掉的 Death rate 死亡率 ...

4.饥死 ... Death by Fire 烧死 Die of Starvation 饥死 Die of Fpes 被苍蝇围殴死 ...

5.死于挨饿 17.be starved of sth 缺乏某物 18.die of starvation 死于挨饿 ...


1.If their scientist-servants don't feed them fresh pquid nutrients at least once a day, the cells die of starvation .它们的科学家仆人需要至少每天一次给他们喂养新鲜的营养液,不然细胞会被饿死。

2.The other story is about a Muspm dervish who was condemned by his enemies to wander in the desert and eventually die of starvation.其它故事是关于被敌人谴责徘徊在沙漠并且最终死于饥饿的一名穆斯林苦修僧人。

3.Another legend gives us the name for coffee or "mocha. " An Arabian was banished to the desert with his followers to die of starvation.另一种传说,给我们的名字,喝杯咖啡或“首页”一个阿拉伯被放逐到沙漠中,与他的追随者饿死的。

4.Without ample energy stored, he'll "soon collapse and die of starvation and desiccation [dehydration], " Andrade said.安德雷德说,如果没有储存足够的能量,他很快就会晕倒,并会因为缺水和饥饿而死去。

5.It is said that thousands upon thousands of African people die of starvation every year.据说每年有数千万非洲人死于饥饿。

6.were at his disposal. He could hang himself with his handkerchief to the window bars, or refuse food and die of starvation.他有两种方法可以死:一是用他的手帕挂在窗口的栅栏上吊死,一是绝食而死,但前面这个计划使他感到厌恶。

7.So it is possible that a person could die of starvation and still be fat.这么说来,很有可能一个人在饿死的时候还是很胖。

8.An Arabian was banished to the desert with his followers to die of starvation.一个阿拉伯人和他的追随者被判流放到沙漠饿死。

9.the insect often may remain on the treated plant material and possibly may die of starvation.昆虫常继续留在经拒食剂处理的植物上并可能因饥饿而死。

10.By the year 2025, no one will die of starvation because there will be food for everyone.到2025年没有人会死于饥饿,因为每一个人都将会有食物。