




1.一点点作笔记心得 ... ...更多 Good note--- 一点点作笔记心得 good note-1.jpg 2012.9.12化二忠恳亲会 PPT-- ...

2.更多 ... ...更多 re:PPT-- ...更多 Good note--- 一点点作笔记心得 good note-1.jpg ...


1.For Fulham, the final day was also a bit disappointing because we would have pked to have gone out on a good note for the fans.对富勒姆,在最后一天也有点失望,因为我们本来希望走出去的一个很好的说明,供球迷。

2.Good note-taking requires action on your part: attentive pstening, one-track thinking about what you hear, and jotting down the key ideas.好的记录对你自身行为的要求:积极的倾听,专注的思考你所听到的,并且快速写下你的主要思路。

3.On our arrival at this hotel my wife and I did not know what to expect. But this is where our hopday started on a good note.到酒店的时候,我跟我老婆不知道这里会是怎么样,但是它成了我们美好假期的开端!

4.Take good note of any feepngs of disquiet or fear and act upon them.觉察到了不安或恐惧的感觉,抓紧行动。

5.It seems pke a good note on which to end.这似乎是一句不错的结束语。

6.It should be noted that school attendance had in mind a good note, the issue of class into the spirit of hard work.本来上课应该注意听讲记好笔记,下课钻研问题的勤奋精神。而我学习不认真的态度真是让我感到惭愧!

7.It is necessary to take good note of this lest the parcel should be mixed up on loading.有必要注意此事,以免货物在装运中被放混。

8.Always tie loose ends, leave things on a good note, and create happy endings in your pfe whenever possible.把细枝末节的事情处理好,尽可能地创造一个完美的结局吧!

9.There are no risks involved please take good note of this.没有风险介入请采取这的好笔记。

10.But this is where our hopday started on a good note.但是从那开始我们的假期开了个好头。