



[ differentiates ]

vt.区分, 使差异, 求导数vi.区别, 产生差别, 区别对待


One character is not clearly differentiated from another.


The male's orange beak differentiates it from the female.


Can you differentiate one variety from the other?


It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.


Can you differentiate between the two varieties?



名词: differentiation | 动词过去式: differentiated | 动词过去分词: differentiated | 动词现在分词: differentiating | 动词第三人称单数: differentiates |



名词: differentiation | 动词过去式: differentiated | 动词过去分词: differentiated | 动词现在分词: differentiating | 动词第三人称单数: differentiates |


distinguish | separate | discriminate | tell apart | set apart | discern | segregate | single out | contrast | characterize | alter | modify | change | adapt | adjust | make | tell | make a distinction | distinction | a | apart | set | different | mark | specialise | specialize | secern | speciate |


dedifferentiate | integrate |


动词 differentiate:

mark as different

同义词:distinguish, separate, differentiate, secern, secernate, severalize, severalise, tell, tell apart

be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense

同义词:distinguish, mark, differentiate

calculate a derivative; take the derivative


become different during development


evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment

同义词:speciate, differentiate, specialize, specialise

become distinct and acquire a different character



1. One obvious feature which differentiates an electronic text from a printed one is the necessity for equipment and software.


2. When the ratio of FAU/BAU and the contents of FAuA became smaller, the pistillate of luffa differentiates strongly.


3. This plug-in ability of the Pluggable Application Client is what differentiates it from Thin Application Client.

Pluggable Application Client的插件能力是它与瘦应用程序客户端的主要区别。

4. SanDisk differentiates its new cards with the new SDHC logo on the card and retail package.


5. The DS-CDMA cellular network significantly differentiates itself from the traditional narrowband TDMA / FDMA system, in which great capacity gain can be explored by taking advantage of its unique characteristics.


6. “One thing that differentiates Invensys from other automation vendors is our proven commitment to helping our customers keep their existing systems continuously current over time.


7. One, the actual state that company finance affairs controls inadequacy (one) finance affairs controls the existence in carrying out to be not worth 1, antipathic post duty differentiates not clear.


8. a person who differentiates.


9. One gallops the big distant river that does not cease wears a city and pass, this burgeoning city differentiates north and south two areas, this is Pan Jin.


10. It is the longevity and symptoms of the experience that differentiates depression from normal mood changes.


11. However reality differentiates from expectations, there is one thing that is unchangeable: Nobody nor anybody could have sabotaged this perfect night I had all by myself!


12. What differentiates the course from a self-help manual, however, are the mental models and long-term exercises the professor sets.


13. The tubercle of the cancer of scale form cell that differentiates with its is not smooth, and nodal brim submits translucent form.


14. Why do you think you are suitable for this position, and what differentiates you from other candidates?


15. The People's Daily commentary differentiates Russia's interests in Afghanistan.


16. One of its daughters remains in the meristem as an initial, while the other differentiates to form a nonmeristematic cell.


17. They also had their body fat measured using an X-ray emission scanner, which differentiates both muscle and fat deposits in the body.


18. Benefit Differentiates and Integrates in the Process of Restructuring of Enterprise


19. Then it differentiates the "social benefit" in general and two law systems as the basement to discuss the difference to crystallize their missions.


20. In the kitchen, the brick of arris form design differentiates the place of this cook a structure.


21. But this kind differentiates means connects regular meeting generation to reduce dimensional usable floor area, give a person messy, narrow sense.


22. Volume rendering is a newly-developed visualization algorithm which differentiates from the classical surface rendering.


23. The author starts from the definition of fuzziness, then examines the basic features of fuzzy language, the reasons for its existence and differentiates several confusable concepts.


24. What differentiates man from the ape?

使人与猿有所区别的是什么 (特征) ?

25. The identifier METAR or SPECI at the beginning of the weather report differentiates them. A METAR SPECI report usually contains the following information


26. The integrated body system of organs, tissues, cells, and cell products such as antibodies that differentiates self from nonself and neutralizes potentially pathogenic organisms or substances.


27. Branding The process by which a company differentiates itself and its products in the market place.


28. The criminal law differentiates between the legally obligatory and discretional circumstances for penal judgments.


29. What differentiates these two species?


30. What differentiates an LCL Forwarder from the Post Office is that they will normally only accept 20 cartons or more.


31. Game theory differentiates rich play chess to weichi for rich of collaboration of cooperative rich play chess and blame two kinds of forms.


32. Fundamentally an inertial navigation system is a dead-reckoning system with a very significant characteristic which differentiates it from more conventional dead-reckoning equipment.


33. 2.Primordium (pl. primodia) A collection of cells that differentiates into a specialized cell, tissue or organ, e.g. the apical shoot and apical root primordia of the embryo.


34. The first formed xylem that differentiates from the procambium.


35. " This paper further differentiates between the "Style Genealogy," "Theory Genealogy," "Vocabulary Genealogy" and "Genre Genealogy.


36. Same vehicle as the Outback model unveiled at the New York Auto Show earlier this month, the Legacy Wagon differentiates itself by losing the raised ride height and flat black off-road body paneling.


37. The part of the primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem and is characterized by broader vessels and tracheids.


38. the part of the primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem and is characterized by broader vessels and tracheids


39. 10.Centripetal xylem differentiates from the outside toward the center, and a centripetal inflorescence (e.g. the capitulum) is one in which the outer flowers open before those in the center.


40. 10. Centripetal xylem differentiates from the outside toward the center, and a centripetal inflorescence (e.g. the capitulum) is one in which the outer flowers open before those in the center.


41. The process by which a company differentiates itself and its products in the market place.


42. Prof Harker says what differentiates Wharton's teaching from other schools is that it is not tied to a single pedagogy.


43. As such, residential relocation is a process that differentiates urban space under market transition.


44. It thus differentiates only between light and dark and is only applicable for determining the density of black.


45. Consequently, of carriage economy area differentiating is a premise, the article differentiates the tentative idea of area of our country carriage economy undertakes be elaboratinged relevantly.


46. Mesenchymal stem cell cultured in vitro adheres to the wall and diplays the fibro-like phaenotype and differentiates to the cells of endoderm、mesoderm、ectoderm under certain condition.


47. Based on the analysis of the function of building smoke extraction system, the article differentiates smoke extraction system from vent system in the function and operation means.


48. According to the main functions and benefits of ecologic al forests, this paper differentiates their types in China through analysing the ir basic properties.


49. With thought years of heritage and aberrance,the social function of the Mazu belief culture evolutes and differentiates.


50. During the history of social thought,Tocqueville,Simmel and Scheler put a sociological reasoning of existence of God,which differentiates from philosophy reasoning.


51. In 45 d old juvenile, the epithelium of the lateral pouches differentiates into cells with microvilli, secretory cells and ciliated cells.


52. In diagnosis, Chinese medicine differentiates patterns and syndromes holistically, whereas western medicine categorizes symptoms as diseases and classifies them by their bio-chemical structures.


53. This kind of connection is what differentiates a library of patterns as we have described in the GoF book from a pattern language.


54. It is in this relation that fascism clearly differentiates itself from all other reactionary regimes established hitherto in the contemporary capitalist world.


55. Based on large international corpora, it differentiates clearly between US, UK, Canadian and Australian usage and offers up-to-date, objective advice presented in readable, accessible terms.


56. The server differentiates SOAP requests from regular HTML requests through the.


57. Q. What differentiates a good comment from a bad comment?


58. A single archesporium differentiates immediately below the nucellar epidermis,it functions directly as the megaspore mother cell.


59. One major factor with respect to security that differentiates Linux from closed source operating systems lies in the open source development process itself.


60. Complete answer is as follows: The capital stock of rural commercial bank differentiates to wait for frontal share, with coequal, with with benefit.


61. It is the praxis involving meanings and values of human life that differentiates it from productive labor which only satisfies human desires and needs.


62. However, the characteristics of modernist's personality defined by Inkeles et al pertain to the range of social psychology without the flavor of values, which differentiates it from Weber's opinion.


63. Differentiates between single and double quotation marks when evaluating an expression.


64. The bounds that be repaired in and heavies repair differentiates harder, reason normally will medium repair and overhaul puts a general designation together to be big in long.


65. The author differentiates two kinds of OIC increase, the gradual increase and the radical increase;


66. The author differentiates two kinds of OIC increase, the gradual increase and the radical increase; and analyzes three stages of OIC increase, activation, change and institutionalization.


67. On the MS culture medium containing seme phytohormones, regenerated Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosaecan induce without low temperature callus which differentiates into a plant.


68. Balance: Knowing what is important and differentiates from the urgent.


69. In addition, on the basis of different objects of cognition, Kant furthers differentiates between the constructive method and regulative method.


70. It differentiates vechile types according to response frequen-cy curve and fuzzy pattern recognition.


71. The computer receives a command when the user clenches his or her teeth for about one second -- which differentiates the action from other activities such as chewing gum and talking.


72. Determining how an embryonic stem cell differentiates into mature cells might eventually allow development of methods to reprogram an adult cell.


73. The cell wall is formed after the free endosperm nuclear is formed.The outmost layer of endosperm cell differentiates into the aleurone layer, while the other cells are filled with starch grains.


74. Our fax machine differentiates between an incoming fax signal and a voice call.


75. The combat log now differentiates between a spell failure due to resistance and spell failure due to missing the target.


76. The owning component is the characteristic that differentiates nested containers from ordinary containers.


77. By its use function differentiates, have gas burner, stage distributing food, buffet, cistern and all sorts of bottle, canister, basin, here often is the most mixed and disorderly place in the family.


78. "Juvenile Penal law" was invented by Dr.Yao Jian long recently.It differentiates from Adult Penal law.


79. The existence of huge amount of non-tradable shares differentiates the Chinese stock market with its counterparts in other economies.


80. Store image is consumers' overall perception of a store.It is the base on which a retailer differentiates itself from competitors.One element of store image is overall store price image.
