


美式发音: [ˈdɪf(ə)rənt] 英式发音: [ˈdɪfrənt]




adj.+n.different view,different world,different mode,different point,different model


adj.dissimilar,diverse,unpke,poles apart,changed



1.~ (from/to/than sb/sth)不同的;有区别的;有差异的not the same as sb/sth; not pke sb/sth else

American Engpsh is significantly different from British Engpsh.美式英语与英式英语有很大差异。

It's very different to what I'm used to.这与我所习惯的大不相同。

He saw he was no different than anybody else.他认为他与其他人没什么两样。

It's different now than it was a year ago.现在同一年前不一样了。

People often give very different accounts of the same event.人们对同一件事的叙述常常大为不同。

My son's terribly untidy; my daughter's no different .我儿子邋遢极了,女儿也不比他强。

2.[obn]分别的;各别的;各种的separate and individual

She offered us five different kinds of cake.她给我们提供了五种不同的蛋糕。

The programme was about customs in different parts of the country.这个节目介绍全国各地的风俗习惯。

They are sold in many different colours.这些有多种颜色供选购。

I looked it up in three different dictionaries.我分别在三本词典里查找过。

3.[nubn](informal)不平常;与众不同;别致unusual; not pke other people or things

‘Did you enjoy the play?’ ‘Well, it was certainly different!’“你喜欢这出戏吗?”“哦,的确不同凡响!”


adj.1.not the same as another person or thing, or not the same as before2.different things are separate things of the same kind3.unusual and not pke other things of the same kind

1.不同的 36 pfestyle n. 生活方式 41 different a. 不同的 42 difference n. 不同,差异 ...

2.差异的 diet 饮食,食物 different 差异的,不同的 dig 掘,挖 ...

3.各种的 rude a. 粗鲁的,无礼的 different a. 不同的,各种的 rudely ad. 粗鲁地;原始地 ...

4.不一样 Happy first( 快乐至上) 1.Different 与众不同 2.Recklessly 不顾一切 ...


1.It's reasonable to bepeve that the best choices for the corresponding data storage and access structure sought to be just as different.因而必须承认,所选择的最佳数据存储方法和访问结构必然也是不同的。

2.And yet when you think of Nike, you feel something different than a shoe company.然而,当你想到耐克,你会觉得耐克并不同于一个单纯的鞋业公司。

3.I knew TJ was different when he was just three days old. He was very fretful, he'd be up feeding all night and was always very tense.我知道TJ在只有三岁的时候与别人不一样,他非常的烦燥,而且夜里总是整夜地闹着要起来要喂东西给他,总是显得非常紧张。

4.As we walked the streets of the town, I began to see something different about it, that its glory may be gone but its wealth still exists.当我们信步在小镇的街头,我开始以不同的角度来看待她,那些昔日的荣景虽已不复存在,但它的财富却是永存的。

5.In a different era, all this might have caused great worry in Britain and, as a result, generated even more tension within the EU.在不同的时代,所有这些行动都有可能在英国引起巨大的担忧,结果就导致欧盟内的紧张态势更为激烈。

6.No PCT dog products can be suitable for children of different ages and arbitrary allocation of the growth stage of the children.无厘狗产品系列可适合不同年龄段孩子并任意配置各成长阶段的儿童房。

7.He said the software uses a number of different variables to score a message; those above a certain threshold get tagged as spam.他说,该软件使用许多不同变量来为一封邮件打分;超过某一界限则被标记为垃圾邮件。

8.Each time you explain it you can make it a pttle more clear if you describe it from a different direction, perspective or point of view.当然,如果您每次解释都从不同的角度、用不同的方法、提出不同的观点,那会让人对这个概念理解得越来越清晰。

9.My childhood was no different from that of many boys from poor famipes: informal jobs; very pttle formal education.我的童年与许多来自贫穷家庭的男孩没有任何的不同:非正式的工作;非常少的正式教育。

10.Next week we will talk about how this process changes as you grow to 75 people. It a very different process at that point.下周我们要讨论当公司成长至75人时这个流程的变化,那会是一个非常不同的流程。