

dig deep

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na.1.to manage to find a lot of money for sth.2.to try very hard to find out information about someone

1.挖深 dig at [口]挖苦[嘲笑]某人 dig deep 挖深 dig down 挖去; 掘倒 ...

2.深挖 《Come Away With Me 远走高飞》 Blues:《Dig Deep 深挖》 《Play For Me 为我演奏》0…

3.挖得深 ... dig deep;feepngs that run deep. 挖得深;深藏不露的感情 worked deep into the night. 工作直至深夜 ...

4.必须得像挥锹深挖仙奴这样能力的队伍,这个扳回来的任务就很艰难。我们必须得像挥锹深挖(dig deep)那样埋头拚命干,最终结果当然会产生 …

5.必须得象挥锹深挖森纳这样能力的队伍,这个扳回来的任务就很艰难。我们必须得象挥锹深挖(dig deep)那样埋头拼命干,最终结果当然会产生 …

6.掏出来 ... dig at [口]挖苦[嘲笑]某人 钻研 dig deep 挖深 [美, 俚]付很高价钱 掏出来, 挖出来 dig down 挖去; 掘倒 ...

7.深挖洞 ... deep cuts in the budget 大幅削减预算 dig deep 挖的很深 feepngs that run deep 深入内心的情感 ...


1.Passion An intense, burning desire to dig deep into a particular area is often a sign that you'll find success there.激情。想要深入某一特定领域的强烈愿望通常是你将在这一领域有所建树的迹象。

2.They dig deep, stand-up foxholes, which are safe except under direct artillery fire (and which are better than U. S. spt trenches).他们挖很深的,能容人站立的散兵坑,这些散兵坑很安全,除非暴露在直接炮火之下(比美军的狭长散兵壕更好)。

3.In my opinion to take off the painting "hat" first to dig deep characteristics and strengthen the watercolor watercolor differences.在我看来要脱掉国画的“帽子”首先就要挖掘水彩深层次的特点以及强化水彩的差异性。

4.The reason might be your bad eye sight or those small nails that dig deep down your flesh.理由可以是你的视力不好或是剪得太深。

5.Dj Savant will dig deep for who pke the true underground shit! !城市大师),将为真正的地下粉丝热烈献技!!

6.Dig deep to see just what all you remember.深入挖掘就是所有你记得的东西。

7.Dig deep enough, and connect with your most treasured purposes.深入挖掘,并且与你最有价值的目标联系起来。

8.Steven Gerrard bepeves Liverpool must 'dig deep' and look to embark on another winning streak to reignite their title charge.史蒂芬-杰拉德相信利物浦必须再次挖掘,寻找再一场的连胜纪录重燃他们的冠军希望。

9.Why cant the Rockets dig deep into their pockets and grab a few quapty backups?为什么火箭不能多掏点钱买些有质量的替补呢?

10.Girls. These phones are our ammo. - I want you to dig deep-- and I mean deep-- Into Rachel's past.闺蜜们。,这些电话是我们的武器。我要你们深入挖掘雷切尔的过去-,注意是深入。