




1.数位音乐次诺基亚音乐大调查的结果显示,我们发现年轻族群对于数码音乐 (digital music) 的偏好有越来越高的趋势,同时他们也希望 …

4.电子音乐 Networking( 网络) Digital Music电子音乐) Home Computing( 家用 …

5.文学士数字音乐 摄影 Photography Printmaking 文学士数字音乐 Digital Music 时装 Fashion ...

6.数位电音 58 Good Idea 舶来品 70 Digital Music 数位电音 76 Trending 科技趋势 ...

7.数位音乐制作 ... 数位模型制作 Digital Modepng 数位音乐制作 Digital Music 数位影像处理 Digital Image Process ...

8.数位音源 ... 19:30-22:30 唱片 Album 19:30-22:30 数位音源 Digital Music 地点 Venue ...


1.The CD industry is stagnant, and digital music sites are seen as vastly underpriced, with some charging just a few cents a song.CD产业不景气,数字音乐网站普遍价格偏低,一些网站每一首歌只收费几美分。

2.One of the only bits of good news amid this doom and gloom is the steady rise in digital music sales.不幸中的万幸是,数字音乐的销量在稳步上升。

3.If you want to succeed in the digital music or downloadable TV business, you'll do things his way.如果您想在数字音乐或下载电视行业有所作为,您得按照他老人家说的做。

4.Starting in Britain this month, buyers of some handsets made by Nokia will be able to download as much digital music as they pke.这个月从英国开始,一些诺基亚手机的购买者将可以不限数量地从网上下载数字音乐。

5.Today, digital music economics are dominated by the iPod, with its notion of a paid-up pbrary of personal tracks.今天,iPod在数字音乐经济中独占鳌头,其模式是付费的个人曲目收藏。

6.Google is trying to compete with Apple, which dominates via its iTunes Music Stores, accounting for 70% of all U. S. digital music sales.此次谷歌的举动旨在与苹果的iTunesMusicStores(我的音乐基地)分一杯羹,iTunesMusicStores占据了全美数字音乐销售额的70%。

7.Digital music has a special place in these systems because of its popularity and because Apple has shown that it can be a money-spinner too.数字音乐具有大众性的特征而苹果又展现出其成为摇钱树的可能性,所以,数字音乐在这些系统中地位独特。

8.The two sides did not comment on whether a digital music deal, which has been widely anticipated, would follow.外界普遍预计双方接下来将会签订数码音乐协议,但披头士乐队和苹果电脑均未对此置评。

9.AV MP3 Player Morpher Basic is all-in-one audio morphing studio for digital music and movie editing.著名MP3播放器morpher基本是所有在其中的音频变形演播室数字音乐和电影剪辑。

10.It was not the first digital-music player, but it was simple and elegant, and carried digital music into the mainstream.这不是首个数字音乐播放器,但其简洁精巧,将数字音乐引入主流。