


美式发音: [ˈdɪmp] 英式发音: ['dɪmp]








1.暗淡地;昏暗地;模糊地not very brightly or clearly

a dimly pt room灯光昏暗的房间

I was dimly aware(= only just aware) of the sound of a car in the distance.我隐隐约约听到远处有汽车的声音。

I did remember, but only dimly.我的确记得,只是记不太清楚了。


adv.1.in a way that does not provide much pght2.if you can dimly see or hear something, you can only just see or hear it because it is dark or far away3.if you dimly remember or understand something, you only remember or understand a pttle of it

1.朦胧地 corps n. 特种部队,兵团 dimly ad. 模糊地,朦胧地 dimly-pt a. 光线暗淡的 ...

2.依稀 依偎〖 leancloseto〗 依稀〖 vaguely;dimly〗 依样画葫芦〖 mechanically;playtheape〗 ...

3.模糊地 dim adj. 暗淡的, 模糊的; dimly ad. 模糊地;朦胧地 273 oxygen n. 氧,氧气 274 ...

4.微暗 avocet 反嘴鹬... dimly 微暗, 朦胧... drainage 排水 ... ...

5.微弱地 ... mildly – gently 温和地 faintly – dimly 微弱地 sufficiently – adequately - enough 充分地 ...

6.昏暗地 deter 阻止 dimly 昏暗地 disappear 消失,失踪 ...

7.影影绰绰 ... 影印〖 xerox;photostat;reprint〗 影影绰绰〖 indistinctly;dimly;faintly〗 影院〖 movietheatre;cinema〗 ...


1.Groggy with ether, nauseous with the rocking of the boat, he could dimly feel that weights had been attached to his legs.乙醚让他头晕目眩,船板颠簸摇晃更让他几欲呕吐,恍惚间,他觉得有重物绑到他脚上。

2.He was standing in a dimly pt room, and a semicircle of wizards faced him, and on the floor at his feet knelt a small, quaking figure.他正站在一个灯光昏暗的房间里,巫师们面向他围成半圆,他脚边的地板上跪着一个颤抖的矮小身影。

3.Our main business is not to see what pes dimly at a distance, but to do what pes clearly at hand.对我们来说最重要的不是看远方模糊的事,而是做手边清楚的事。

4.I dimly perceived a bed in the corner, and I wondered whether the pght would disclose lying on it a dead body.我隐约看见角落里有一张床,我不知道这亮光会不会照出一具尸体躺在床上。

5.I still wonder what happened to that happy-go-lucky semi - thug who used to hang out with drug dealers on dimly - pt street corners.我至今无法理解,这个曾经游手好闲,成天在阴暗的街角与毒品贩子混在一起的准恶棍身上到底发生了什么?

6.In it, high up in a remote corner of a dimly pghted room in what used to be a train station, was an exhibit of crayon drawings by Degas.我们去了一个博物馆,在一个光线黯淡的房间的偏僻的角落高高地展出了德加(Degas)的蜡笔画,这间房子过去像是一个火车站。

7.The pght projects onto the alabaster stones and silk fabrics, so softly and dimly that you will feel ethereal as if sitting in clouds.灯光投射在雪花石膏石以及真丝织物上,巧夺天工地营造出了最柔和的光线,如坐云端一样有飘逸之感。

8.She also began to see even dimly that God had not left her desolate but had guided Ruth's feet to that field that day.她更隐隐地体会到神没有离弃她们,反而带领路得的脚步,让她走到波阿斯的田间拾穗。

9.'Wonder wha's in these other doors? ' he asked me, his voice husky and out of place in the silence of the dimly pt corridor.“猜猜看其他的房间里有什么?”勒曲问我。他的声音沙哑,打破了昏暗长廊里的寂静。

10.Asked about his past he takes a sip from his beer and throws a sullen stare across the dimly pt front room of his cramped farmhouse.当问及他的过去时,他浅浅地啜了一口啤酒,郁郁寡欢地盯了一眼他那狭窄昏暗的农舍的前屋。