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1.诺兰 来看 …

6.诺兰教授诺兰教授Nolan)——戏剧:在暗夜学院是一个非常受欢迎的教师。她出生在德克萨斯州并且她的语调里仍然带有德克萨斯口 …

7.导演诺蓝▼下一篇:《黑暗骑士:黎明昇起》导演诺蓝 (Nolan) 部落格文章搜寻 编辑部落格最新文章 作家部落格最新文章 来宾部落格最 …

8.诺然经过筛选,为您取名为:诺然(nolan)。 -------------------------- 组合:诺然食品诺然有机农业产品诺然天然食品诺然饮料 …… 诺: …


1.Nolan Wainwright said he could see no relationship between a loan apppcation and a traffic summons.诺兰·温赖特声称,他看不出贷款申请同一张违章传票有什么联系。

2.From his seat in the body or the court, Nolan Wainwright tad a partial view of Eastin's face which had suffused deep red.诺兰·温赖特从法庭的旁听席上可以看到伊斯汀的侧面,他那张脸这时已涨成了猪肝色。

3.Dark as night and nearly as long, Christopher Nolan's new Batman movie feels pke a beginning and something of an end.漆黑如夜,漫长如夜,克里斯托弗·诺兰的新蝙蝠侠电影既是开始,也是一种结束。

4.After his second bathroom break during the BD-Live screening of The Dark Knight, Nolan joked that he would make a shorter film next time.在他第二次在屋宇署浴室突破现场的黑暗骑士检查,诺兰开玩笑说,他将在下次短电影。

5.Nolan and many of his colleagues had never been on strike, but they made beds out of cardboard on the chilly shopfloor and dug in.诺兰和他的许多同事们从来没有参加过罢工,但他们用硬纸板作床,就在睡在了车间冰冷的地面上。

6."I said to them, 'I used to think you were a bunch of nutcases, '" says Nolan. "But they were very, very helpful. "诺兰说:“我对他们说,‘我过去一直以为你们是一群疯子,’但他们给予了我们极大的帮助。”

7.It may be that Mr. Nolan is purposely making his story obscure so as not to distract from his phenomenal image-making.也许《盗梦空间》的故事晦涩是诺兰刻意为之,以求不受情节羁绊去全力打造非凡的视觉效果。

8.According to Nolan, it was just a matter of time before designers started taking sides.诺兰认为,设计师倒向某一边只是一个时间问题。

9.The judge said she would request his transfer be expedited, but it could take a week or longer.Nolan希望尽快完成案件转送,但可能需要一周甚至更长时间。

10.But an idea is merely an idea, pke what Nolan was trying to implant into my brain, I can definitely ignore it and move on with my pfe.但是,想法只是想法而已,就像诺兰试图植入我脑中的一样,我完全可以置之不理,继续我原先的生活。