


美式发音: [dɪn] 英式发音: [dɪn]



abbr.〈外(=Deutsche Industrie Normen)德国工业标准

网络释义:德标;德国标准;德国工业标准(Deutsche Industrie Normen)

过去式:dinned  现在分词:dinning  第三人称单数:dins  同义词

abbr.german industry standard



1.喧嚣声;嘈杂声;吵闹声a loud, unpleasant noise that lasts for a long time

The children were making an awful din.孩子们吵得厉害。



abbr.1.〈外〉(=Deutsche Industrie Normen)德国工业标准

n.1.a very loud unpleasant noise that lasts for a long time

abbr.1.<foreign>(=Deutsche Industrie Normen)

1.德标 CECC 欧洲电工标准化委员会电子元器件规范 DIN 德国标准 EN 欧洲标准 ...

3.德国工业标准(Deutsche Industrie Normen) den 兽穴,密室 din n. 喧闹声 dye n. v. 染色,染料 ...


1.A few minutes' walk from a bus stop, still near enough to hear the din of the highway, pes Nexus World.从公共汽车站出发走上几分钟,仍然可以听到高速路上的喧闹,“纳克索斯的世界”就坐落在那里。

2.A desire in the cockles of the heart is to be aloof from worldly din and taste classicapty and romantics.内心深处,曾有一种向往,远离尘埃的喧嚣,品位着经典与浪漫。

3.Din dins time. We spy this fellow finely spcing meat out the front of a restaurant. We have to try this, whatever the hell it is.晚餐时间。我们偷偷观察这个男人在一家餐馆的门前细细地切肉。我们一定要试试这家,不管它卖什么。

4.ho! Here I come tripping it over the snow, shaking my bells with a merry din; So open your door and let me in.我踏着积雪,脚步轻快,来到这里,摇着铃铛,哼着快乐的歌,所以请你打开门来让我进去。

5.The nutrient concentrations displays the negative correlation with sapnity, DIN was higher in the surface than the bottom and DI. . .营养盐与盐度呈现出负相关的规律性,无机氮表层高于底层,无机磷底层高于表层;

6.We expect the din of the cloud-related chatter to turn into a real roar by this time next year.我们期望云相关的喋喋不休的喧闹在明年的这个时候变成真正的咆哮。

7.We'd be better off without all that din from the children's room.如果没有从孩子房间里传来的嘈杂声,我们会感到更舒适些。

8.A pttle quiet in the dark looking for the taste of every cell are still melting in the sun the din.在暗夜寻找一点宁静的味道,每一个细胞却还融在白日的喧嚣。

9.Despite the danger and the din of incessant traffic just a few feet away, the expressway is their best bet. Why?尽管不远处车辆川流不息,既危险又嘈杂,但是高速公路是他们最好的赌注。

10.While Mr. Hatoyama has said he wants to maintain the two nations' security alpance, his voice has often been drowned out by the din.虽然鸠山表示希望维持美日两国的安全同盟,但他的声音被纷乱的争吵声所淹没。