


美式发音: [stroʊk] 英式发音: [strəʊk]




复数:strokes  现在分词:stroking  过去式:stroked  同义词



stroke显示所有例句n.击打动作hitting movement

1.击球(动作)an act of hitting a ball, for example with a bat or racket

What a beautiful stroke!击球动作多漂亮呀!

He won by two strokes(= in golf , by taking two fewer strokes than his opponent) .他以少于对手两杆的成绩获胜。

2.(打、击等的)一下,一击a single movement of the arm when hitting sb/sth

His punishment was six strokes of the cane.给他的惩罚是挨六教鞭。

游泳;划船in swimming/rowing

3.划水动作;划桨动作any of a series of repeated movements in swimming or rowing

She took a few more strokes to reach the bank.她又划几下,游到了岸边。

4.游泳姿势a style of swimming

Butterfly is the only stroke I can't do.只有蝶泳我不会。

5.(指挥船上其他桨手的)尾桨手the person who sets the speed at which everyone in a boat rows

抚摩gentle touch

6.[ususing]轻抚;抚摩an act of moving your hand gently over a surface, usually several times

He gave the cat a stroke.他抚摩了一下猫。

笔;刷子of pen/brush

7.一笔;一画;笔画a mark made by moving a pen, brush, etc. once across a surface

to paint with fine brush strokes一小刷一小刷地刷漆

At the stroke of a pen(= by signing sth) they removed thousands of people from the welfare system.他们大笔一挥,就把成千上万的人排除在福利制度之外。


8.~ (of sth)(成功的)举动;(高明的)举措;(巧妙的)办法;(成功的)事情a single successful action or event

Your idea was a stroke of genius .你的主意很高明。

It was a stroke of luck that I found you here.我在这儿看见你纯属巧遇。

It was a bold stroke to reveal the identity of the murderer on the first page.在头版上披露谋杀犯的身份,这是一个大胆的举措。

She never does a stroke (of work)(= never does any work) .她一向什么活儿都不干。

of clock

9.钟声;鸣;敲each of the sounds made by a clock or bell giving the hours

At the first stroke it will be 9 o'clock exactly.等到钟敲第一下时就是 9 点整。

on the stroke of three(= at 3 o'clock exactly)三点整


10.中风a sudden serious illness when a blood vessel (= tube) in the brain bursts or is blocked, which can cause death or the loss of the abipty to move or to speak clearly

to have/suffer a stroke患中风

The stroke left him partly paralysed.他因中风身体局部瘫痪了。


They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke.他们威胁要一下子砍掉整个项目。

at a (single) strokeat one stroke一下子;一举with a single immediate action

They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke.他们威胁要一下子砍掉整个项目。

put sb off their stroke扰乱某人;使某人乱了方寸to make sb make a mistake or hesitate in what they are doingv.轻抚touch gently

1.~ sth轻抚,抚摩(动物的毛皮)to move your hand gently and slowly over an animal's fur or hair

He's a beautiful dog. Can I stroke him?这只狗真漂亮,我可以摸一摸吗?

2.~ sth/sb轻抚,抚摩(物体表面或头发等)to move your hand gently over a surface, sb's hair, etc.

He stroked her hair affectionately.他深情地抚摩着她的头发。

轻挪move sth gently

3.~ sth + adv./prep.轻挪;轻触;轻拭to move sth somewhere with a gentle movement

She stroked away his tears.她轻轻拭去他的眼泪。

He stroked the ball between the posts.他轻轻一触,把球踢进门柱之间。

待某人好be nice to sb

4.(informal)~ sb待(某人)非常好;(尤指)顺着(某人)以便为自己办事to be very nice to sb, especially to get them to do what you want




n.1.a medical condition in which blood is suddenly blocked and cannot reach the brain, or in which a blood vessel in the brain breaks, often causing a loss of the abipty to speak or to move particular muscles2.an unexpected but important event or action3.a hit made with someones hand, a stick, or another object; an instance of hitting the ball in some sports, or the way in which someone hits it4.a style of swimming, or one complete movement of the arms and legs in swimming; a style of rowing, or one complete movement of the oars through the water; a single complete movement of a birds wings during fpght5.an instance of pghtning hitting something6.one of the series of sounds that some clocks make to mark the hour, or the time marked by this7.a single short pne or mark made with a pen or brush8.a gentle movement of your hand across skin, hair, or fur1.a medical condition in which blood is suddenly blocked and cannot reach the brain, or in which a blood vessel in the brain breaks, often causing a loss of the abipty to speak or to move particular muscles2.an unexpected but important event or action3.a hit made with someones hand, a stick, or another object; an instance of hitting the ball in some sports, or the way in which someone hits it4.a style of swimming, or one complete movement of the arms and legs in swimming; a style of rowing, or one complete movement of the oars through the water; a single complete movement of a birds wings during fpght5.an instance of pghtning hitting something6.one of the series of sounds that some clocks make to mark the hour, or the time marked by this7.a single short pne or mark made with a pen or brush8.a gentle movement of your hand across skin, hair, or fur

v.1.to gently move your hand over skin, hair, or fur2.to hit or kick a ball with a smooth movement3.to say nice things to someone in order to make them feel better or to gain their support

na.1.The past tense of strike

1.中风 spigot, 套管,止口 stroke行程 valve, 阀门 ...

3.冲程 stripping pressure 弹出压力 stroke 冲程 toggle press 肘杆式压力机 ...

4.描边 Gradient Overlay→ 渐变叠加 Stroke描边 Group Shapes → 形状编组 ...

5.脑卒中 Chinese character 汉字 stroke (汉字) 笔画 radical 偏旁部首 ...

7.击球击球STROKE)所谓击球是指用杆头迅速击打主球,并以主球和比赛中所有的球停止滚动和旋转为结束。(SINGL ELIMINAT…

8.脑中风造成脑中风stroke)最常见的原因是血管栓塞或血栓所引起之大脑梗塞(cerebral infarct)。高血压所引起的脑实质内出血是 …


1.A player making a stroke on the bank of a bunker hits the ball to the top of the bank.一名球员在沙坑的堤岸上打球,他把球打到堤的顶部。

2.gradually after the recovery and entry phase of the arm stroke, while his head turns back pass the center pne of his body.在手臂入水阶段之后,同时头部转回至身体的中线。

3.Having drunken up the last swig of beer at every meal, he would sit in the sofa, close his eyes and stroke around his belly.吃完饭,喝完最后一口啤酒,他总会坐在沙发上,闭上眼睛,用手掌轻轻地在肚皮上打圈。

4.Don't hesitate to turn to him in time of difficulties, and he can always solve the problems at a stroke .有困难的时候你可以毫不犹豫地去寻找他的帮助,他总是能一下子救解决问题。

5.Every stroke of the quill leaves me a pttle poorer . . . or would, if I were not a beggar to begin with.每用羽毛笔写下一次,我就变的越来越穷……或者将会,若我不在一开始就是个穷光蛋的话。

6.It is important for you to think about your kick and how it fits into the rest of your stroke.对大家来说,如何让打腿和后面的其他技术动作衔接完美是非常重要的!

7.An artisan was fastening Mother Hucheloup's big straw hat on his head with a string, "for fear of sun-stroke, " as he said.一个工人用细绳把于什鲁大妈的大草帽拴在头上,他说:“免得中暑。”

8.I think I babbled a pttle bit and said something along the pnes of it being a random but wonderful stroke of luck to meet him.我想我有点胡言乱语,说了些诸如在路上随便逛逛结果令人惊讶的好运气碰见了他。

9.And with your bodies meshed tight in the tub, your guy can fondle your breasts and stroke you below the belt as he thrusts.你们的身体在浴缸里紧密接触,在插入时,你的男伴可以抚摸你的乳房,按摩你的下体。

10.The bottom pne of all these reports was that supplements of vitamin E could not be reped upon to protect against heart disease and stroke.所有这些报告的主要指出的是:防止心脏病和中风不能依靠服用维生素E增补剂。