


美式发音: [ˈdaɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪnə(r)]



复数:diners  同义词




1.(尤指餐馆的)就餐者a person eating a meal, especially in a restaurant

a restaurant capable of seating 100 diners可容纳 100 人就餐的餐馆

2.(常指较便宜的)小餐馆,小饭店a small, usually cheap, restaurant

a roadside diner路边小餐馆


n.1.a small restaurant that sells simple inexpensive food2.someone who is eating a meal at a restaurant

1.餐馆 《斗鱼/雷鸣小子 Rumble Fish 》 《餐馆 Diner 》 《体热 Body Heat 》 ...

2.用餐者 ) proximity 接近,亲近 ) diner 用餐者 ) routinely 例行公事地 ...

3.小餐馆始的辉煌依旧是值得炫耀的资本,包括巴瑞·莱文森的《小餐馆》(Diner)、弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉的《斗鱼》,以及和罗伯特· …

4.餐车 corridor 走廊 diner 吃饭的人,餐车 dinner 正餐 ...

5.餐厅 dine 吃饭 diner 吃饭人 dining 进餐 ...

7.晚餐 午餐 = lunch 晚餐 = diner 干杯! = proost! ...

8.食客 decpne n. 下降, 减少 diner n. 食客 distinctive a. 有区别的; 有特色的 ...


1.and a diner speaking to a restaurant manager after waiting for an hour to be served and then having food spilt on him.一个用餐者在等着服务等了一个小时候后,对餐厅经理说了些话,然后把食物泼到餐厅身上。

2.The truck driver stopped at a roadside diner. His waitress brought him a hamburger . a cup of coffee and a piece of pie.一个卡车司机把车停在路边的一个餐馆旁。女招待给他端上一个汉堡包,一杯咖啡和一张馅饼。

3.Mrs Cpnton and her would-be First Gentleman sit in a diner, discussing which song she will choose for her campaign theme.克林顿女士和她的第一先生将一起共进晚餐讨论她将选择竞选歌曲的主题。

4.Order the best food and if the diner is crowded and a beautiful young woman sits across the table from you, do not look into her eyes.给自己来份最好的,如果餐车里很拥挤,而且有年轻漂亮的女人正坐在你餐桌对面,不要看她的眼睛。

5.Dr Simpson's analysis indicates that the relationship between dinosaurs and mammals was actually that of a diner to his lunch.辛普森博士的分析指出恐龙和哺乳动物之间的关系实际上就是用餐者和午餐的关系。

6.Dex, the proprietor of a simple diner, was a wealth of knowledge, and was able to identify the weapon as a Kamino saberdart.德克斯开了一家普通的餐馆,拥有丰富的知识,识别出那件武器是卡米诺剑镖。

7.Even though it was just a small hole-in-the-wall cafe, people from all around flocked to Mel's Diner to enjoy a genuine home cooked meal.虽然迈尔的简便餐厅只是个小吃店,人们从各地涌来享受真正的自制口味。

8.The beautiful young woman did not sit across the table from my uncle in the diner, and there was no card game in progress in the smoker.吃饭的时候那个年轻漂亮的姑娘也没有坐在我叔叔的桌对面,也没有抽着烟的人在玩扑克。

9.She did not see why when she was alone she would be less good a diner than when she had a guest.她就是不明白为什么她单独吃的晚餐不如有客人时吃得香。

10.In the diner, my uncle went out of his way to sit at a table with a young lady.在餐车里我叔叔自己走到了一张餐桌旁和一位年轻女士坐在了一起。