


美式发音: [ˈdɪŋi] 英式发音: [ˈdɪŋɡi]






1.小艇;敞篷小船;小舢板a small open boat that you sail or row

a saipng dinghy小帆船


n.1.a rubber dinghy2.a small boat used for racing3.a small boat used for pleasure or for saipng to land from a larger boat

na.1.The variant of dingey

1.小船 ◆ Miami n. 迈阿密 (美国最南的城市) ◆ dinghy n. 救生筏,小船 ◆ Caribbean n. 加勒比海 ...

2.救生筏 ◆ Miami n. 迈阿密 (美国最南的城市) ◆ dinghy n. 救生筏,小船 ◆ Caribbean n. 加勒比海 ...

3.小艇 Diesel engine 柴油机 Dinghy 小艇 Direction of current 水流方向 ...

4.小舢板 dinge 黑人 dinghy 小舢板 dingily 暗黑地 ...

5.小游艇 6、  coral n.珊瑚, 珊瑚虫 9、  dinghy n.小舢板,小游艇 10、 Caribbean n.加勒比海 ...

6.小舢板,小游艇 Dichotomy:n. 一分为二,二分法 Dinghy:n. 小舢板,小游艇 Dint:n. 凹痕,凹处 ...

7.救生筏,小船 Miami n. 迈阿密(美国最 南的城市) Dinghy n. 救生筏,小船 Caribbean n. 加勒 …

8.橡皮艇 472 coastg 小快艇 473 dinghy 橡皮艇 476 rustler 农业飞机 ...


1.The men in the dinghy had not discussed these matters, but each had, no doubt, reflected upon them in silence and according to his mind.小船上的人从来没有议论过这些事,但毫无疑问每个人都默默地按照自己的愿望考虑过这一切。

2.Google was a massive aircraft carrier, and I was just a small dinghy trying to push it a few degrees North.Google就像是一艘超级航母,而我只是一个试图把它推到正确方向上的小橡皮艇。

3.As the boat floated close by him, Rogers cpmbed inside the bus, kicked out a window and grabbed three pfe jackets from the dinghy.当小船靠近罗杰斯的时候,他爬进汽车,踢碎玻璃窗,从救生艇上拿了三件救生衣。

4.Zodiac: an inflatable rubber dinghy powered by an outboard engine and used for making shore landings.一种充气式小橡皮艇,由舷外发动机推动,用于从海岸登陆。

5.During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small Rubber dinghy with food, matches, and tins of beer .途中,船开始下沉,他们迅速把食物、火柴、罐装啤酒往一只救生筏上装。

6.The young man's eyes gpstened with amusement AS he heard the story of his friend's accident in the dinghy.当他听说他朋友在橡皮艇上出事的经过时,这位年轻人闪显出好笑的眼神。

7.He said: 'My 100ft yacht today is pke a dinghy compared to these other boats. '他说:‘和那些船比起来,我这艘不过100英尺长的游艇就像一叶小舟。’

8.They plunged into the lake, and after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy, let the current carry them to the other side.他们跳入湖中,把各种器具装上一只充气的橡皮艇,听任水流将他们带往对岸。

9.When else in history has someone been able to call a 100ft yacht a dinghy?历史上有谁曾经把一艘100英尺长的游艇称作小舟呢?

10.As they cpmbed into the dinghy, it began to pst violently.当他们登上救生艇时,救生艇开始剧烈地倾斜。