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1.塔季扬娜 ... ★H&S★Addison 艾迪生 百变无肩带 ★H&S★Tatyana 塔蒂耶娜 缎面蕾丝 Duopan 多莉 …

3.达吉雅娜男主角奥涅金是一位对一切感到幻灭的怀疑论者,女主角达吉雅娜(Tatyana)是可爱的深情的俄国女性,他们都是当时社会环 …

4.女子名塔季扬娜萨大,塔提亚那这个名字翻译的不好,如果没猜错的话,应该就是俄罗斯的女子名塔季扬娜(Татьяна/Tatyana)。老虎是西伯 …

5.琪雅娜  卡洛妮兹卡的女儿塔琪雅娜Tatyana)接受乌克兰《今日报》访问时说,母亲身在的黎波里,对于利比亚的暴乱感到非常震惊…

6.塔姬雅娜加和塔姬雅娜Tatyana),年轻又没有经验的塔姬雅娜爱上了奥涅金,还草率地给他写了封信,而奥涅金则以伯父似的语气写 …

7.安娜演出泰坦安娜(Tatyana)的女高音气质不俗,歌艺佳。可惜她与男主角的合作没有刷出火花,乃至最尾一场激荡求爱的场面张力 …


1.Life with him would not be at all worthy of Tatyana. The girl, making no protest, suffered in silence.对她来说和他共同生活是完全不值得的。姑娘没有作任何辩驳,她默默地忍受着痛苦的折磨。

2.Tatyana: "Well, it's my car and it has a siren installed on it and I just wanted to say that people who demand to be treated well --"塔季扬娜:“哦,这是我的车,它装了警笛,我只想说,要求被善待的那些人——”

3.Finally Eugene began to write her letters in which he expressed his hopeless longing. Still Tatyana gave no sign.最后,叶甫盖尼开始给她写信,吐露他那无法实现的渴望。达吉雅娜始终没有作任何表示。

4.She looked famipar. When he asked the prince about her, he was astounded to learn that she was Tatyana, his host's wife.她看起来很面熟。当他向公爵打听她是何许人时,他万分惊讶地得知她竟就是达吉雅娜,他的东道主的妻子。

5.Russia's health minister, Tatyana Gopkova, details some of the injuries that passengers have received.俄罗斯卫生部部长戈利科娃详细说明了乘客受伤的一些状况。

6.Tatyana: "Why would I tell you where I got a special siren! "塔季扬娜:“为什么我会告诉你我在哪儿得到的特殊警笛!”

7.When the family heard that the two men were coming, they immediately thought of Eugene as a suitor for Tatyana.当她们家听说这两位青年即将来访时,她们立刻把叶甫盖尼想象为达吉雅娜的求婚者。

8.At both world championships, she was beaten by Tatyana Lebedeva of Russia.两次比赛中,姆邦戈败给了俄罗斯运动员莱贝德娃。

9.Eugene, stirred by her letter, paid another visit to the Larins and found Tatyana in a secluded garden.叶甫盖尼被她的信所感动,再次去拉林家造访。他在一个僻静的花园里找到了达吉雅娜。

10."I consider them mine, " Tatyana Latynina said with a laugh. "We won them together. "“我觉得这些奖牌也是我的,”塔季扬娜·拉提尼娜笑着说道。“我们一起赢的。”