



美式发音: [dɪŋ] 英式发音: [dɪŋ]

v.( dang ) 〔苏格兰语〕 (雨)猛下


第三人称单数:dings  现在分词:dinging  过去式:dinged  同义词



v.1.( dang ) 〔苏格兰语〕 (雨)猛下

v.1.to make the short sound of a bell2.to make a small dent on the surface of something, especially a car

n.1.the short sound that a bell makes2.a small dent on the surface of something, especially a car

1.勾缝 dinette 小餐室 dinging 勾缝 dining kitchen 厨房餐间 ...

2.一次抹面 一次性 disposable 一次抹面 dinging 一次烧成 monofired ...

3.聆音 lucia 露西亚 Dinging 聆音 ADA, 艾达 ...

4.响晴故居 老舍书法 读一读,写一写 镶 (Xing) 响晴dinging) 温晴 (waning) (unship) (jiff) 秀气(pique) 安适 肌肤 …


1.Once the koala is dinging to the dog's underside, the dog can't get at it with its jaws.树熊一旦挂在野狗的下方,野狗的嘴就够不着它了。

2.At your school dinging-room , use your own bowl and chopsticks instead of disposable .在学校餐厅,用自带的碗和筷子替代哪些不可降解的餐具。

3.Even though I can speak the dialects of all people and the word of the angel, but without love, it just pkes the gong dinging;就算我能说万人的方言和天使的话语,但如果没有爱,我不过就如鸣锣一般;

4.Dinging Investigation from the Rule of Law Perspective法治视野下的卧底侦查

5.choose the width of nice veins paper according to size of designed dinging按设计好勾缝大小,选择美纹纸的宽度