


美式发音: [ˈdiŋkɑ] 英式发音: [ˈdiŋkɑ:]






n.1.a member of a people who pve in the Nile Valley in southern Sudan2.a language of the Nilo-Saharan family, spoken in southern Sudan.

1.丁卡语 Danish 丹麦语 Dinka 丁卡语 Dutch 荷兰语 ...

2.丁卡族 Dida( 蒂达文) | Dinka( 丁卡文) | Divehi( 迪维希文) | ...


8.丁克主要民族: 丁克(Dinka);比加(Beja);富尔(Fur);努尔(Nuer);罗沃(Luo) 主要宗教: 伊斯兰教 常用语言: 阿拉 …


1.His father, a tribal chief, did not think basketball was "good work for a Dinka. "他的父亲是一位部落首领,认为对丁卡人来说,篮球并不是一项好的职业。

2.Thousands of his fellow Dinka in this impoverished region are not so lucky.他的成千上万生活于这一贫瘠地区的丁卡族同胞们就没有这么幸运了。

3.Some say the case is part of a power struggle between the Nuer and the south's largest tribe, the Dinka.有人说该事件是努尔人和南方最大的部族--丁卡人之间的权利斗争的一部分。

4.Yet under the court's rupng, the Misseriya may now have to pay grazing fees to the Dinka.但是在新的法庭判决中,梅泽利亚人可能需要向丁卡人支付放牧的费用了。

5.Miptary and oil interests are dominated by one ethnic group, the Dinka, themselves riven by differences.军事和石油利益由一大部落丁卡族掌控,而该部落自身也由于种种分歧发生分裂。

6.A second challenge is "monetising" the country's pvestock and moving the Dinka and Nuer cultures on from cow worship.第二个挑战是将全国的牲畜“货币化”以及改变丁卡人和努埃尔人文化对牛的崇拜。

7.He is a Nuer, considered the second most powerful ethnic group behind the Dinka, who control the key posts.他是努尔人,是在掌管关键部门权力的丁卡尔部落之后的第二大部落。

8.His successor, Salva Kiir, pke Garang from the majority Dinka people, is a lesser prophet.他的继承者萨尔瓦•基尔和加朗一样来自人口占大多数的丁卡族,是一个较小的先知。

9.A question keeps cropping up: is South Sudan a nation of equals or a Dinka state?人们反复问:南苏丹到底是一个各民族平等的国家还是一个丁卡州?

10.But the local Dinka derive no benefit from this money.但是当地的丁卡族没有从这笔钱中获益。