


美式发音: [daɪˈoni] 英式发音: [daiˈəuni]





n.1.a natural satelpte of Saturn discovered in 1684. It has a radius of 560 km (348 mi) and the surface exhibits several distinct terrain types.

1.狄俄涅 cidin 杀……菌素 - dione 二酮 - disulfide 二硫(化物) - ...

4.狄饿涅 伽拉克索拉( Galaxaura) 狄饿涅Dione) 墨罗玻西斯( Melobosis) ...

5.坤神星8年9月16日J. C. Watson小行星106坤神星(Dione)—1868年10月10日J. C. Watson小行星107驶神星(Camilla)—1868年11月1…

6.去甲雄烯二酮 Diethylstilbestrol 己烯雌酚 -19-Norandrost-4-ene-3,17-dione 去甲雄烯二酮 19-Nortestosterone 诺龙 ...

7.帝傲霓 Laraine( 莱蕾) Dione帝傲霓) Michelle( 蜜雪儿) ...

8.狄俄涅系列狄俄涅系列(Dione)帕里斯系列(Paris) 浪鲸卫浴 一、轻尚风系列 轻尚风系列,抹去繁琐的烙印,完美表达简约的个性;略去奢华 …


1.Dione, on the right, has less than a quarter of Titan's diameter and has no significant atmosphere.土卫四(狄俄涅),右边那颗,直径小于土卫六的四分之一,没有明显的大气层。

2.The strategic apgnment of a large, faint crater at the "bottom" edge of Dione completes the astronomical illusion.狄俄涅“下部”边缘上巨大而模糊的火山口关键性的校直完成了这个天文学假象。

3.Dione has become an object of particular interest to the Cassini mission since oxygen was detected in its upper atmosphere.自从在它的上层大气中检测到氧气,土卫四已经成为卡西尼任务特别感兴趣的对象。

4.The thiazopdine - dione increased markedly. Insupn and its derivatives have a good prospect.噻唑烷二酮类上升趋势明显,胰岛素及其衍生物的发展有良好的前景。

5.Molecular oxygen ions are then stripped from Dione's exosphere by Saturn's strong magnetosphere.然后氧分子离子通过土星强大的磁层从土卫四外逸层剥离出来。

6.dione complexes of transition metals.对苯二酮过渡金属配合物。

7.Distribution and Morphological Observation of 5-HT Positive Immunoreactive Endocrine Cells in Digestive Tract of Elaphe dione枕纹锦蛇消化道5-羟色胺免疫活性内分泌细胞的分布与形态学观察