


美式发音: [daɪ'ɒksaɪd] 英式发音: [daɪ'ɒksaɪd]





dioxiden.— see alsocarbon dioxide

1.二氧化物a substance formed by combining two atoms of oxygen and one atom of another chemical element


n.1.an oxide that has two oxygen atoms in each molecule

1.二氧化物 carbon n 碳元素 △ dioxide n 二氧化物 △ carbon dioxide 一氧化碳 ...

2.化二氧化物 molar mass【 化】 摩尔质量 dioxide化】二氧化物 oxygen1.【 化】氧;氧气 ...

3.双氧分子 dioxide 二氧化物 n.二氧化物,双氧分子 dioxide n. 二氧化物 ...

4.钛白粉子公司原第八位升至第五位;英国帝国化工公司(ICI)下属钛白粉子公司DIOXIDE),原是世界钛白粉排名第二位的大公司,现 …

5.二氧化钛子公司第 八位升至第五位;英国帝国化工公司(ICI)下属二氧化钛子公司DIOXIDE),原 是世界钛白粉排名第二位的大公司,现 …

6.二氧化硫芴 9-Vinylcarbazole 9-乙烯基咔唑 Dibenzothiophene-5,5-dioxide 二氧化硫芴 Diphenyl-2-pyridylphosphine 二苯基-2-吡啶膦 ...


1.Students breathing pure oxygen did not yawn less than those breathing air with higher than normal levels of carbon dioxide.呼吸纯氧的学生们并不比那些呼吸比通常水平更高的二氧化碳的人少打哈欠。

2.He said that it is still not clear whether carbon dioxide is the main driver of this change.他说还不清楚二氧化碳是不是这种变化的主要驱动者。

3.You know, breathing high concentrations here of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and methane gas, in unequal quantities -- 19 years of this.你知道,呼吸这里高浓度的二氧化硫、二氧化碳、和甲烷气体,这些不等量的气体-19年都是如此。

4.When exposed to more carbon dioxide, poison ivy plants produce a more allergenic form of urushiol, the substance that makes skin itch.当处于高二氧化碳的环境下,毒藤植物会产生一种让人皮肤痒的物质「漆酚」。

5.At least part of the cause of this extinction seems to have been huge volcanic eruptions that poured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.这次生物大灭绝事件的发生似乎至少部分是因为大量的火山喷发,火山喷发将大量的二氧化碳喷到大气中。

6.Sulfur dioxide has a more venerable history as an air pollutant than any other chemical.作为一种空气污染物来说,二氧化硫比任何其它化合物历史更悠久。

7.It was badly cold, it had a very thin atmosphere and that atmosphere was mostly carbon dioxide.那里很寒冷,大气很稀薄,大部分都是二氧化碳。

8.So far, the rise in carbon dioxide seems to be fairly smooth over time, but the change in vegetation is jerkier .到目前为止,似乎二氧化碳随着时间变化而增加的幅度相当平稳,但植被的变化却有更大的波动。

9.More to the point, it'll keep more than half a ton of cpmate-changing carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere every year.更重要的是,它可以保持每年半吨由于气候变化形成的二氧化碳不会跑出大气。

10.As Ed Mipband, the UK cpmate secretary, put it, a pmit to carbon dioxide emissions is the "big prize" to be won at Copenhagen.用英国气候变化大臣爱德华•米利班德(EdMipband)的话来说,限制二氧化碳的排放量,是要在哥本哈根拿下的“大奖”。