


美式发音: [ɪnˈvɑlənˌteri] 英式发音: [ɪnˈvɒləntəri]




adj.+n.involuntary movement




1.无意识的;不自觉的aninvoluntary movement, etc. is made suddenly, without you intending it or being able to control it

an involuntary cry of pain不由自主的痛苦的喊叫

2.非自愿的;非本意的happening without the person concerned wanting it to

the involuntary repatriation of immigrants对移民的强制性遣返

involuntary childlessness出于无奈的无子女状况


adj.1.an involuntary movement, sound, or reaction is made suddenly and in a way that you cannot control2.happening or done without being intended

1.非自愿的 Invoices to Cost Accounts 成本帐目中的发票 Involuntary 非自愿的 Involvement 介 …

2.不随意的 invoke 祈求 involuntary 不随意的 involuntary 非志愿 ...

3.无意识的 good for you, 不错不错 involuntary 无意识的 It was quite the boner. 太愚蠢了 ...

4.自然而然的 invite 邀请 involuntary 自然而然的 inward 中心的 ...

5.不由自主鲁本·奥斯陆执导的《不由自主》(Involuntary),被瑞典正式送选参赛今年的最佳外语片奖。↑↓可信度:★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6 …


1.It was a crazy moment because I wasn't sure if it was an involuntary movement or was she actually trying to wake up.真是疯狂的时刻,因为不知道这是她的下意识动作还是想醒过来。

2.This was an involuntary reassignment, and I bepeved there was a legal risk to the institution if it was not solved by mutual agreement.这(丽莎女士的工作)是一个非自愿的调任。我认为如果这件事不通过相互间的协议加以解决,本机构可能会承担法律风险。

3.This was an involuntary reassignment and I bepeved there was a legal risk if this was not resolved by mutual agreement.这种情形是没有先例和例外的。这是一次非自愿性的调动,我认为如果这件事不通过双方协议解决,就有法律上的风险。

4.You know we talked about this in psychology class. Blushing, even though it's involuntary, is more or less a learned behavior.你知道吗,我们在心理学课上讨论这个问题。尽管脸红是不受意志控制的,但它或多或少是后天习得的。

5.If the debtor takes the initiative, the process is called voluntary bankruptcy; otherwise, it is referred to as involuntary bankruptcy.如果债务人有浓厚的兴趣,这个过程称为自愿破产;否则,它被称为非自愿破产。

6.whereas the involuntary tremors of the palsied man, who breaks a glass, are appropriate to no action which he bepeves himself to be doing.而打碎了杯子的中风的人的不自愿的颤抖,则与他相信自己正在实施的任何行为都不相适应。

7.had not considered what she had been doing; whether he were man or woman, stick or stone, in her involuntary hold on him.她先前并没有意识到她刚才干了些什么;在她不自觉地搂着他的时候,她并没有想到他是男人还是女人,是根子还是石头。

8.It raises the hair on the dark of my neck, and I take an involuntary step away from the window.第二道闪电更是近在咫尺,我脖子后面的汗毛倒竖,不由得从窗口后退了一步。

9.'Let us hope so, ' said the uncle. ' Detestation of the high is the involuntary homage of the low. '“但愿如此,”叔父说,“对高位者的仇恨是卑贱者不自觉的崇敬。”

10.When the boat meets the times change the dreadful very rough sea waves, is doomed to carry floats carries sinks, actually also involuntary.当小船遇到时代变迁的滔天巨浪,注定载浮载沉,却也身不由己。