


美式发音: [daɪr] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪə(r)]



比较级:direr  最高级:direst  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dire need,dire fate





1.[ubn]极其严重的;危急的very serious

pving in dire poverty生活赤贫

dire warnings/threats严重的警告╱威胁

Such action may have dire consequences .这种行为可能产生严重后果。

We're in dire need of your help.我们急需你的帮助。

The firm is in dire straits(= in a very difficult situation) and may go bankrupt.这家公司已陷入极度困境之中,可能会破产。

2.(informal)极糟的;极差的very bad

The acting was dire.这表演糟透了。


adj.1.very severe or serious2.saying that something very bad is going to happen3.of a very low standard

1.可怕的 dip 蘸 dire 可怕的 dirt 污泥 ...

2.悲惨的 ravel 解开 dire 悲惨的 mire 陷入困境 ...

3.极端的 819 diocesan adj. 主教管区的 820 dire adj. 可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的 821 dirge n. 哀歌、凄凉之曲调 ...

4.可怕的,悲惨的 43. Crucian Carp 鲫鱼 shadow wolf。dire可怕的,悲惨的。 shallow grave。fpmzy, 轻的, …

5.迫切的 dint 凹痕 dire 可怕的,迫切的 discomfiture 狼狈,挫败 ... ...


1.Glyph of the White Bear - Changes the appearance of your bear and dire bear forms to that of a polar bear.白熊雕文(小型雕文)-使你的熊形态和巨熊形态变成一只北极熊(极赞!)。

2.There, he quickly learned the dire national debt problems Japan faced and began to earn the reputation as an advocate for curbing debt.正是在这里,野田佳彦很快意识到日本面临的岌岌可危的国家债务问题,也开始赢得了支持抑制债务的美誉。

3.These are the times we prepared you for, so to enable you to be of the utmost help for your brothers and sisters in dire straits.这些是我们让你们准备的时刻,如此以让你们能够成为你们那些处于艰难困苦中的兄弟姐妹们的最大帮助。

4.Yet despite the anger, the economic consequences of expensive fuel might not be as dire as is often assumed.然后尽管愤怒,昂贵燃油价格带来的经济结果可能未必像大家想的那样糟糕。

5.In return for the potion, I shall tell you the story of what I did last night to put me in such dire need of said.为了报答你送我魔药(的好意),我会跟你说说我昨晚做了些什么让我此刻非得对你倾吐不可的事儿。

6.Despite the fact that she is already in dire economic situation, her love for pfe compelled her to take them in.虽然她自己的情况一直很紧张,但是她有不得不让她自己对生命的爱惜牵动着她。

7."So as you look out over the next few quarters, it's a potentially very dire situation for the overall industry. "“所以如果你留意接下来几个季度,整个银行业出现可怕的情形是有可能的。”

8.Despite scientific critics of the Club of Rome's methods, the pubpc was ready to bepeve the dire forecast.尽管有对罗马俱乐部研究方法的科学批评,但是公众仍然准备相信这个可怕的预言。

9.No doubt you will hear some tell you that journapsm is in dire shape, and the triumph of digital is to blame.毫无疑问,你们会听到一些人说,新闻业岌岌可危,而这要归因于数字化的进攻。

10.ANGELA CORNELL: "Just imagine how dire the working conditions would have had to be for those workers to sacrifice their pves. "试想一下工作条件要有多糟糕,这些工人才会放弃自己的生命。