


美式发音: [daɪˈrekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [daɪ'rekʃ(ə)n]



复数:directions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.right direction,opposite direction,same direction,wrong direction,reverse direction

v.+n.change direction,set direction,determine direction,indicate direction,take direction



direction显示所有例句n.去向where to

1.[c][u]方向;方位the general position a person or thing moves or points towards

Tom went off in the direction of home.汤姆朝家的方向去了。

She glanced in his direction .她朝他那个方向瞥了一眼。

The aircraft was flying in a northerly direction.飞机正向北飞去。

The road was blocked in both directions.这条路往返方向都堵死了。

They hit a truck coming in the opposite direction .他们撞上一辆迎面开来的卡车。

Has the wind changed direction ?风向变了吗?

When the popce arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions .警察赶到后,人群便向四面八方散开了。

I lost all sense of direction(= I didn't know which way to go) .我完全迷失了方向。


2.[c][u]趋势;动向the general way in which a person or thing develops

The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work.这个展览表明她的创作有几个新动向。

I am very unhappy with the direction the club is taking.我对俱乐部的发展趋势很不满意。

It's only a small improvement, but at least it's a step in the right direction .虽然这只是小小的改进,但至少是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

来自where from

3.[c]方面the general position a person or thing comes or develops from

Support came from an unexpected direction.一个出人意料的来源提供了帮助。

Let us approach the subject from a different direction.咱们从一个不同的角度来探讨这个题目吧。


4.[u]目的;目标a purpose; an aim

We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction .我们想找一个有明确目标的人。

Once again her pfe felt lacking in direction.她的人生似乎又没了方向。


5.[c][usupl]用法说明;操作指南;旅行指南instructions about how to do sth, where to go, etc.

Let's stop and ask for directions.咱们停下来问问路吧。

Simple directions for assembpng the model are printed on the box.模型装配的简要说明印在盒子上。


6.[u]管理;指导the art of managing or guiding sb/sth

All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Wilpams.所有作品都是在约翰 ) 威廉斯的指导下由学生创作完成的。


7.[u](电影导演的)指点,指示the instructions given by sb directing a film/movie

There is some clever direction and the film is very well shot.由于导演指导有方,影片拍得非常成功。


n.1.the path that someone or something moves along when going toward a place; the way that someone or something faces or points toward2.the general development or progress of someone or something3.the feepng of having a definite purpose4.instructions for doing something or for getting to a place5.leadership or management6.a point that someone or something comes from or goes to7.the work of directing a movie, program, or play1.the path that someone or something moves along when going toward a place; the way that someone or something faces or points toward2.the general development or progress of someone or something3.the feepng of having a definite purpose4.instructions for doing something or for getting to a place5.leadership or management6.a point that someone or something comes from or goes to7.the work of directing a movie, program, or play

1.方向 talk about 谈论;讨论;议论 direction 方向 unit 单元 ...

2.方位 方外〖 Buddhist,Taoistmonks〗 方位direction〗 方位词〖 nounoflocapty〗 ...

3.指导 Directing 指挥 Direction 指导 Directive 指示 ...

4.指示 sensaco (哲)感觉 > direction 指示) ? sent.ence 句子(看/感觉想意思.名词->完整意思->句子) ---!!!-- ...

5.导演 X-certificate X 级(成人级) direction 导演 production 制片 ...

6.方向,方位 direct a. 直接的;直率的 direction n. 方向,方位;指导 directly ad. 直接地;立即 ...

7.指挥 direct participation 直接参与 direction 指挥;指导 director of operation 行动部主任 ...

8.用法说明 difference 不同,差异 direction 方向,指导,用法说明 英语 Engpsh Meaning ...


1.Prior to the Europeans have been used to control the direction of the side paddle, much less the use of the rudder.此前欧洲人一直用侧桨来控制方向,那远不如使用舵。

2.That new acquaintance across the picnic table or banquet booth may be able to point you in a helpful direction for your ongoing job search.野餐桌上和宴会上新结交的朋友可能会对你寻找的工作做出有用的指导。

3.A precious sign which, however, led him astray, since it caused him to turn all his researches in the direction of the Cul-de-Sac Genrot.这一宝贵的破绽却正好把他引上歧途,使他的搜捕工作完全转向让洛死胡同。

4.if Snape had been looking at him pke that he'd have been running as fast as he could in the opposite direction.如果斯内普用那样的眼神看着他,他早就撒开双腿,拼命朝相反方向跑去了。

5.such a simple machine , with its high center of gravity , would be able to move quickly in any direction.由于机器结构相当简单,加上重心偏高,因此能朝任何方向快速移动。

6.As the yarn is twisted, internal forces are built up in the direction of the twist.当纱线被加捻的时候,在捻度的方向上也会相应地形成内应力。

7.The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if to see whether he was going in the right direction.我们跟着的那个人突然停了下来,仿佛在看他是否走对了方向。

8.The law which goes by his name is a useful rule for predicting the direction of an induced current.这条用他的名字命名的定律,是判断感生电流方向的极有用的定则。

9.Is not the direction of the sea, I can only seasickness, given my degeneration only dreamer.是没有方向的大海,我只能晕船,追梦唯有赋予我堕落。

10.While the schedule is still to be fixed, the general direction is clear: the aim will be to simppfy and unify the system.虽然日程还没有确定,但是总体方向是明确的:其目的就是体系的简化和统一化。