


美式发音: [rɪˈpitəd] 英式发音: [rɪˈpiːtɪd]









1.重复的;反复发生的happening, said or done many times

repeated absences from work一再旷工



adj.1.done many times

v.1.The past participle and past tense of repeat

1.重复的 repabipty 可靠性 repeated 重复的 report 报告,报表 ...

2.反复的 repeat 重复 repeated 反复的 reveal 展现 ...

3.再三的 repeated use 反复使用,再三使用 repeated adj. 再三的,反复的,重复性的 lead to 导致,造成 ...

4.重复,重叠 (4) 指音强[ (of sound)intensive] (2) 重复,重叠[ repeated;again;once more] (4) 双,成对[ double] ...

5.重复性的 frightening: 惊吓的。 repeated: 重复性的。 plentiful: 丰富的。 ...

6.多次 玷污[ stain;sully] 连续;多次[ consecutive;repeated] ⑴ 重叠;接连成串[ pile one on top of another;overlap] ...


1.On Tuesday Dagong repeated the trick, downgrading the local and foreign currency credit rating for the U. S. to A with a negative outlook.周二,大公故伎重演,将美国本、外币信用评级下调至A,展望为负面。

2.The cause is part genetic and part environmental, but researchers trying to identify the relevant genes have endured repeated frustration.原因是遗传和环境的一部分,但研究人员试图找出相关的基因经历了多次挫折。

3.This approach is useful for compression because it tends to be easy to compress a string that has runs of repeated characters.这种方法对于压缩非常有用,因为它往往容易压缩拥有多行重复字符的字符串。

4.Words were usually repeated in his article, which make it easy to read.他的文章中经常出现重言,读来朗朗上口。

5.Calpsta did not want to see history repeated and witness the deaths of these three.卡莉斯塔不希望历史重演,也不忍看到三人的死亡。

6.Infinitely repeated game, again taking PD as an example, player at the last round has no reason to cooperate just as in a one-short game.在有限重复博弈中,只有当事人一方的行为或类型存在某种不确定性时,合作才能发生。

7.I know it's been repeated over and over, but women want you to know what you want and for you to be looking for it!我知道这已经是老生常谈了,但是女人确实希望你知道你自己想要什么,然后自己寻找它!

8."Eve, " he repeated, trying it out on his tongue. He told the manager he was taking a break and pulled her into a back room.“伊芙,”他念出了声。他和管理人员说需要休息一下,之后便拉着她进了里屋。

9.Britain then spent years desperately trying to join in the face of repeated rebuffs and eventually gained admission only in 1972.在那之后,英国用了多年时间,拼命想加入其中,却屡遭拒绝,最后直到1972年才被接纳。

10.As I said before these patients need to be treated with repeated paracentesis with albumin infusion.就像我以前说的那些患者需要大量穿刺放液加白蛋白输注治疗。