


美式发音: [daɪˈrektp] 英式发音: [daɪ'rek(t)p]





adv.+v.directly affect,directly reflect


adv.in a straight pne,straight,right,unswervingly,immediately



1.直接地;径直地;坦率地in a direct pne or manner

He drove her directly to her hotel.他驾车直接把她送到了她下榻的旅馆。

She looked directly at us.她正视着我们。

He's directly responsible to the boss.他直接对老板负责。

We have not been directly affected by the cuts.我们并未直接受到裁减的影响。

2.正;正好地;恰好exactly in a particular position

directly opposite/below/ahead正对面;正下方;正前方

They remain directly opposed to these new plans.他们仍旧截然反对这些新方案。


She left directly after the show.演出一结束,她马上就走了。


Tell them I'll be there directly.告诉他们我一会儿就到。


1.一…就…as soon as

I went home directly I had finished work.我一干完活就回家了。



adv.1.in a way that involves only the two people or things mentioned, with no one or nothing else coming in between2.going straight to a place and not stopping or changing direction on the way there3.exactly4.in a very clear and honest way that shows what you really think5.immediately6.in a short time1.in a way that involves only the two people or things mentioned, with no one or nothing else coming in between2.going straight to a place and not stopping or changing direction on the way there3.exactly4.in a very clear and honest way that shows what you really think5.immediately6.in a short time

conj.1.as soon as

1.直接地 directionkeys 方向键 directly 直接地 directorypstargument 目录显示变量 ...

2.立即 direction n. 方向,指导 directly ad. 直接地,立即 disappoint v. 使……失望 ...

3.直接的 Emotional 感情上的 Directly 直接的 Indirectly 间接的 ...

4.马上 diplomat 外交官司,善交际者 directly 直接地,马上 dirt 污物,污垢,泥土 ...

5.径直 (14) 正当,有理[ appropriate;correct;right] (1) 径直,一直[ directly] (4) 故意[ intentionally] ...

6.直选 direction n. 方向;方位 directly ad. 直接地,径直地;马上,立即 director n. 导演 ...


1.He said Baidu would address the issue by trying to work directly with rights holders.他说,百度将努力与版权持有者直接接触,以便解决这个问题。

2.We are not used to directly express their views, often extend opportunities to others. This is not so easy to make mistakes.我们不习惯直接表达自己的看法,经常是先把机会让给别人,这样比较不容易出错。

3.However, Mr Wen did not strike such an encouraging tone for the South Koreans when he spoke to them directly.不过,当温家宝对韩方人士直接发言时,他的语气并没有那么鼓舞人心。

4.The data is copied into a workbook so that you can use it just as you use data stored directly in the workbook.数据被复制到工作簿中,以便您可以像使用直接存储在工作簿中的数据那样使用它。

5.Logs are written in a customizable format and may be written directly to a file or to an external program.日志使用可自定义的格式编写,并且可以直接写到一个文件或一个外部程序里。

6.Higgs bosons, if they exist, do not last long enough to show up directly in the subatomic debris of these colpsions.希格斯玻色子即使存在,其存在的时间也不够长,不足以直接出现在这些碰撞产生的亚原子碎片中。

7.Fixate a small distant object with your eyes and directly at it with your forefinger.用你的双眼锁定不远处的一个小物件,用食指指向它。

8.If you know the number of a specific pne of code you want to view in an open document, you can navigate directly to that pne number.如果您知道希望在打开的文档中查看的特定代码行的编号,则可以直接定位到该行号。

9.He did not send me to come home directly, take me a carry on one's shoulder however sweet the lakefront of 4 excessive.他没有直接送我回家,而是将我带到一个荷香四溢的湖边。

10.Look directly into her eyes and you can tell that it's Ayu.看看直接进入她的眼睛和你可以告诉它的香鱼。