



美式发音: [daɪr] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪə(r)]



比较级:direr  最高级:direst  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dire need,dire fate





adj.1.very severe or serious2.saying that something very bad is going to happen3.of a very low standard

1.可怕的 dip 蘸 dire 可怕的 dirt 污泥 ...

2.悲惨的 ravel 解开 dire 悲惨的 mire 陷入困境 ...

3.极端的 819 diocesan adj. 主教管区的 820 dire adj. 可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的 821 dirge n. 哀歌、凄凉之曲调 ...

4.可怕的,悲惨的 43. Crucian Carp 鲫鱼 shadow wolf。dire可怕的,悲惨的。 shallow grave。flimzy, 轻的, …

5.迫切的 dint 凹痕 dire 可怕的,迫切的 discomfiture 狼狈,挫败 ... ...


1.Coming soon to a theater near you: absolutely nothing you want to see, which may be the direst sarcasm.惨淡到什么程度?最毒舌的讽刺是:不信的话你就去附近的一家电影院试试,基本没有能看的。

2.They have found a way to perform in the direst of circumstances. Let's begin looking at match-ups.他们找到一种方法来完成比赛下的情况是最可怕的,他们能让我们开始见证比赛升华。

3.In one of the final scenes, with his direst warnings proving correct, Mr Powell turns to Mr Cheney and delivers a heartfelt "Fuck you" .影片的最后一幕,鲍威尔最可怕的警告得以最终证实,此时的他走向切尼的身边,发自内心地脱口而出:“去你妈的(Fuckyou)。”

4.The new tax concessions are intended to encourage Industrial investment and will have no direst effect on the man in the street.新税收特许目的在于鼓励对工业投资,对普通老百姓没有什么直接的影响。

5.But a growing interest cultural identity may prevent the direst predictions from coming true.但是随着对文化属性的兴趣不断的升温,这可能阻止最可怕的预言变成现实。

6.Some also note that the direst cyberwar predictions often come from consultants who will earn more money if their warnings are heeded.也有人指出,最可怕的网络战争预言通常出自咨询顾问之口,而如果这种警示得到重视,他们就能赚取更多收入。

7.The direst consequences of all this lie in the future, however.然而,最严重的后果还在将来。

8.As long as you try your best to find out the solution, you can defeat the direst wolf.只要肯动脑筋想办法,可怕的狼,也可以打败哦!

9.Monetary policy should not be made "on the hoof" in this way, except in the direst of circumstances.货币政策不应该以这种方式“活着”,除非出现极端情况。

10.In 2008, food-price rises sent tens of millions tumbling into direst poverty.在2008年,食品价格上涨导致上千万人陷入可怕的贫困。