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n.1.a short aphoristic summary of the teachings of Hinduism, created to be memorized and later incorporated into Hindu literature2.a classic religious text of Buddhism, especially one regarded as a discourse of the Buddha

1.经 律藏 Vinaya-pitaka Sutras 金刚经 Diamond Sutra ...

2.佛经 enlightenment 启迪,教化 Sutras 佛经,经典 shepherdess 牧羊女 ...

3.经典 ◎古琉璃 Antique colored glaze objects ◎经书 Sutras ◎开运石 Lucky crystal ...

6.箴言 分类: 瑜伽的故事- -Yoga_Story 分类: 经典籍- -Sutras 分类: 瑜女伽人- -Beauty ...


1.There was one bird in particular that came whenever the monk chanted sutras. It would perch on a branch near by and listen carefully.有一只鸟很特别,和尚每次念经,它都来。它停在近旁的一只树枝上,专心致至地听着。

2.After a while, a crisp chime was heard in the distance, followed by the chanting of sutras . The man seemed to wake from his reverie.过了一会,远远传来一声清脆的磬音,接著梵唱悠扬,那人好像被惊醒了,这才继续往前查看。

3.In contrast, the Buddhist sutras were left intact in the fire. This was the first competition between Buddhism and Taoism.随后佛经也往火里一扔,烧不掉,这是古代佛、道论争的第一个回合。

4.I await someday I could shake off the trifles and stay at the temple to enjoy the Brahma's voice and learn the sutras of the Buddhism.我很期待有一天能放下一切,在寺院宁静的环境中好好聆听佛法,学习佛经梵音的唱诵。

5.A farmer requested a Tendai priest to recite sutras for his wife, who had died.农夫死了妻子,邀请天台宗师傅给她念经超度。

6.Since they were children, my cousins have held wakes, chanted sutras over dead bodies, and anticipated the needs of those in mourning.自打我的表亲还是孩子开始,他们就要举行守夜仪式,围绕死人吟诵佛经,为丧事上的一切需要做好准备。

7.The entire process of getting sutras can be said to have been guided by Tathagata Buddha.整个取经活动可说都是在如来佛的掌控之下。

8.Outstanding translators of sutras then came one after another and, among them, Xuan Zang has been universally acknowledged as the greatest.其间杰出的译经师辈出,而玄奘公认为最伟大的翻译家。

9.Sanskrit is the language that used to write ancient Buddhist sutras. It is meaningful and will bring good luck for you.梵文是古代用来书写佛经的文字。它很有意义,并且会给你带来好运。

10.He would copy sutras, Buddhist verses, and in this manner receive a few coins for food.他抄写经卷,抄写佛教的韵文,以此换得几文小钱购买食物。