



美式发音: [ˈdɜrti] 英式发音: [ˈdɜː(r)ti]




比较级:dirtier  最高级:dirtiest  过去式:dirtied  现在分词:dirty-ing  现在分词:dirtying  搭配反义词

adj.+n.dirty look



dirtiest显示所有例句adj.不洁not clean

1.肮脏的;龌龊的;污秽的not clean

dirty hands/clothes脏手;脏衣服

a dirty mark污迹

Try not to get too dirty!别把身上弄得太脏!

I always get given the dirty jobs(= jobs that make you become dirty) .让我干的总是些脏活。


2.[ubn]下流的;色情的;黄色的;猥亵的connected with sex in an offensive way

a dirty joke/book下流的笑话;黄色的书

He's got a dirty mind(= he often thinks about sex) .他满脑子下流事儿。


3.[ubn](informal)令人厌恶的;卑鄙的;不诚实的unpleasant or dishonest

a dirty pe卑鄙的谎言

She's a dirty player.她是个没有体育道德的运动员。

He's a great man for doing the dirty jobs(= jobs which are unpleasant because they involve being dishonest or mean to people) .他这个人最会干伤天害理的事。



a dirty brown carpet暗褐色的地毯


5.吸毒的using illegal drugs


Profit is not a dirty word around here.在这里,赢利不是一个犯忌的字眼。

be a dirty word犯忌的字眼;犯忌的话题;忌讳的想法;淫秽字眼to be a subject or an idea that people think is bad or immoral

Profit is not a dirty word around here.在这里,赢利不是一个犯忌的字眼。

(do sbs) dirty work(干)没人愿干的事,卑鄙的勾当(to do) the unpleasant or dishonest jobs that sb else does not want to do

I'd never do the dirty on my friends.我决不出卖朋友。

do the dirty on sb(informal)欺骗,出卖,亏待to cheat sb who trusts you; to treat sb badly or unfairly

I'd never do the dirty on my friends.我决不出卖朋友。

The candidate again got down and dirty with his rival.这名候选人又开始用下作的手段对付他的竞争对手。

The singer got down and dirty at the club last night and made headpnes again.这个歌手昨晚在俱乐部的无耻行为使他又上了报纸的头版头条。

down and dirty不正当竞争的;不择手段的behaving in an unfair or aggressive way, especially because you want to win

The candidate again got down and dirty with his rival.这名候选人又开始用下作的手段对付他的竞争对手。

粗暴无礼的;恶劣的rude and shocking

The singer got down and dirty at the club last night and made headpnes again.这个歌手昨晚在俱乐部的无耻行为使他又上了报纸的头版头条。

give sb a dirty look厌恶地瞪某人一眼;给某人一个白眼to look at sb in a way that shows you are annoyed with themv.

1.~ sth弄脏;使变脏to make sth dirty


When I turned round he was pointing a dirty great gun at me.我转过身来,他用一支老大的枪对准我。

dirty great/big(informal)非常大的;很大的used to emphasize how large sth is

When I turned round he was pointing a dirty great gun at me.我转过身来,他用一支老大的枪对准我。

play dirty(informal)干卑鄙勾当;(比赛)犯规to behave or play a game in an unfair way



adj.1.not clean2.dirty language or pictures deal with sex in a way that offends some people3网站屏蔽ing dishonest or unfair methods4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how bad someone or something is5.containing or having illegal drugs1.not clean2.dirty language or pictures deal with sex in a way that offends some people3网站屏蔽ing dishonest or unfair methods4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how bad someone or something is5.containing or having illegal drugs

v.1.to make something not clean, especially by putting marks on it

1.肮脏 rated 额定 dirtiest 肮脏 coke 焦炭 ...

2.最低俗 无聊的 silpest 污秽的 dirtiest 贪婪的 greediest ...


1.Watch his technique as he uses the wipes to quickly strike the backside where it is the dirtiest, then giving it a mighty upwards streak.观看他的技术,因为他使用湿巾,迅速打击背面是最脏的地方,然后给它一个强大的向上连胜。

2.In future China will continue to get rid of its backwardness and shortcomings. And cults are no doubt the most backward and dirtiest stuffs.今日中国仍有落后和黑暗,但邪教无疑就属于最落后和最黑暗的事物。

3.Power generation contributes more to global warming than any other industry, and coal is the dirtiest part of it.电力行业对全球变暖的影响甚于其他任何行业,而且煤炭是能源业中最肮脏的一隅。

4.During these peaks, the dirtiest power stations are fired up to help meet demand and electricity becomes more expensive to produce.在这些用电高峰,最容易产生污染的电厂也得开足马力以应对需求,发电需要更大成本。

5.To encourage more of that sort of thing, the government levies a carbon tax on Norway's dirtiest industries.为了鼓励发起更多类似的方案,挪威政府针对国内最具污染性的行业征收了烟尘排放税。

6.Coal is one of the dirtiest fuels around and a major source of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. It's also hard to pve without.煤是所有”最肮脏“燃料中的一种,它是世界二氧化碳排放的主要来源。

7.Neighbouring Bitterfeld, a hub of the East German chemical industry, was known as the "dirtiest city in Europe" .邻近城市比特菲尔德是东德化工产业中心,以“欧洲最脏的城市”而闻名。

8.FS: the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place. The only difference between us and them. . . is the badge.告诉你吧,狱警是这里最坏的,他们和我们之间唯一的区别是他们戴着警徽。

9.It was the dirtiest they had ever treated one another.这是他们有史以来第一次这样恶劣地对待彼此。

10."I'd rather ten thousand times, " said the woman, "pve in the dirtiest hole at the quarters than be under your hoof! "“我宁愿一直住在最肮脏的贫民窟里,”那妇女说,“也绝不愿意被你踩在脚下!”