


美式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntəd] 英式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd]





adv.+adj.deeply disappointed,bitterly disappointed


adj.let down,dissatisfied,disenchanted,disillusioned,upset



1.失望的;沮丧的;失意的upset because sth you hoped for has not happened or been as good, successful, etc. as you expected

They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.他们对比赛结果极为失望。

I was disappointed by the quapty of the wine.这酒的质量令我失望。

I'm disappointed in you─I really thought I could trust you!你真让我失望,我原以为可以相信你的!

I was very disappointed with myself.我对自己感到非常失望。

He was disappointed to see she wasn't at the party.看到她没来参加晚会,他感到很失望。

I'm disappointed (that) it was sold out.全都卖完了,我感到很失望。

She was disappointed not to be chosen.她没有被选中感到很沮丧。



adj.1.unhappy because something that you hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as you expected

v.1.The past tense and past participle of disappoint

1.失望的 disappoint vt. 使失望 disappointed adj. 失望的 disaster n. 灾难 ...

2.感到失望的 disappointing 令人失望的 disappointed 感到失望的 encouraging 令人鼓舞的-- ...

3.败兴 高兴 happy;glad;wilpng 败兴 disappointed 勃兴 to rise suddenly;to grow vigorously ...

4.怅怅 怅 chàng, 怅怅〖 upset;disappointed〗 怅恨〖 annoyed〗 ...

5.怅然 怅恨〖 annoyed〗 怅然〖 upset;disappointed〗 怅然自失〖 felllost〗 ...

6.失意 ... [(a desolate scene of) broken walls] 见“残垣断壁” [disappointed] 失意;不愉快 [muddled] 模糊不清;恍惚 ...

7.惝 败兴/ disappointed/ / disappointed/ 大失所望/ greatly disappointed/ ...


1.Here's a few of the best from the collection, even if our own Danger Room was a bit disappointed by the CIA's choices.以下是从中精选的一组照片,但即便如此,《连线》的“威胁研究室”栏目对中情局选择公开的装置还是稍感失望。

2.The US did not agree to the panel and was disappointed that Canada had chosen to move forward with a request for a panel.美国不同意建立专家组并对加拿大提出请求建立专家组表示失望。

3.Curious, but somewhat disappointed the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible.年轻人既好奇又有点失望的打开礼盒,发现里面是一本漂亮的、皮面的《圣经》。

4.Madeleine Albright led off, saying that I had done wrong and she was disappointed, but our only option was to go back to work.马德莱娜·奥尔布赖特首先出声,她说,她对我做的错事表示失望,但是我们唯一的选择是继续好好工作。

5.I continue sometimes to feel unhappy about my work, to worry about my future and to be disappointed with myself and with my friends.有时候我还是会为我的工作感到不悦,忧虑前程,或者因为自己或朋友而感到失望。

6."No, a pttle disappointed, " Benitez told Sky Sports News when asked if he felt it was a fortunate point.“是的,有一点小小的遗憾。”贝尼特斯赛后被记者问道对这幸运的一分有何感想时,如是回答。

7.Actually I have been already disappointed to this community, had not thought this community have future, grieved that the heart is full of.本来我已经对这个社区失望了,觉得这个社区没有前途了,心里充满了悲哀。

8.But it's not something that makes us disappointed, frustrated, or even just walk away as if nothing had happened except for time passing by.但这不能使我们感到失望,沮丧,甚至一走了之,仿佛除了时间推移,什么都没有发生。

9.And then I was disappointed about this, but I hope him to leave tomorrow.我对此事感到失望,但我希望他能在明天出境。

10.Critics who advocate yuan appreciation in and of itself as a mechanism to reduce trade imbalances are sure to be disappointed.如果评论家鼓动将人民币升值作为减少贸易失衡的机制,他们肯定会失望。