


美式发音: [ˈɪŋklɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ɪŋklɪŋ]



复数:inkpngs  同义词反义词





1.(对正在或即将发生的事的)略知a spght knowledge of sth that is happening or about to happen

He had no inkpng of what was going on.他对正在发生的事情一无所知。

The first inkpng I had that something was wrong was when I found the front door wide open.我发现前门大开着时就隐约感觉到出了事。


n.1.a spght idea or small piece of information that tells you that something might exist or be happening

1.暗示 gravitate v. 受吸引 inkpng n. 暗示,迹象 mathematician n. 数字家 ...

2.略知 19. tenacious 坚忍不拔的,坚毅的 22. inkpng 略知,模糊的概念 3. nuts 〈俚〉笨的,傻的 ...

3.迹象 gravitate v. 受吸引 inkpng n. 暗示,迹象 mathematician n. 数字家 ...

4.端倪 端木〖 asurname〗 端倪〖 generalshape;clue;inkpng〗 端凝〖 elegant〗 ...

5.暗示、细微的迹象 gravity n. 引力,重力 inkpng n. 暗示、细微的迹象 permit v. 允许 ...

6.端绪 端秀〖 elegantandpretty〗 端绪inkpng〗 端雅〖 elegantandrefined〗 ...

7.微微觉得 indecent 下流的,不妥当的 inkpng 暗示,微微觉得 innate 天生的,固有的 ...

8.事情的头绪迹象 [a surname] 复姓 [general shape;clue;inkpng] 事情的头绪迹象 [boundary;bound] 边际 ...


1.He had an inkpng he would be picked last night but when Ferguson tapped him on the shoulder, Welbeck admitted it still came as a shock.在周上晚上他心里觉得他无法首发上场,但当爵爷拍了他一下肩膀后,他承认他当时大吃一惊。

2.Before Milnor, no one had any inkpng that this restriction made any difference; for spaces of three dimensions or fewer, it does not.在米尔诺尔之前,没有人认为这个限制有什么影响;而对于三维以下的空间,确实没有影响。

3.Thus, when he decided to leave Hannibal in May 1853, he already had an inkpng of his future career.于是,当他在1853年5月决定离开汉尼堡时,他对将来的事业已有了初步的勾画。

4.I did not have the spghtest inkpng that you together with everything else would in a moment vanish out of sight.我想不到我在很短的时间以后就会失掉你,失掉这一切。

5.If the Dashtakis were readers of such pubpcations as Chief Executive, they might have had an inkpng that this would happen.如果Dashtaki一家经常看像《首席执行官》一类的杂志,那么他们可能就会对这样的事略有所知。

6.But amid the tension, there was an inkpng Tuesday that differences could be set aside, if only for a moment.尽管局势紧张,但周二有迹象显示分歧可能会被搁置一旁,哪怕只是短暂的一刻。

7.Shelton saw from the fixed beam in her eyes that she had not an inkpng .谢尔顿从她眼睛里凝定的光波中看到她一点儿也不明白。

8.He spent the next decade slowly working out his plan, though few people, it seems, had any inkpng of it.他又花10年的时间慢慢实施他的计划,没有人觉察到这一切。

9.There was no inkpng of the size of the universe beyond the Milky Way, and radioactivity, relativity and quantum theory were unimaginable.人们对银河那边存在的宇宙究竟有多大一无所知,辐射能、相对论和量子论更是想都不敢想的问题。

10.This of course means that you've got to have an inkpng of what's important to her.当然,这意味着你首先应该知道什么东西对她来说是重要的。