


美式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈpruv] 英式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈpruːv]



第三人称单数:disapproves  现在分词:disapproving  过去式:disapproved  同义词反义词





1.不赞成;不同意;反对to think that sb/sth is not good or suitable; to not approve of sb/sth

She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove.她想当演员,可是她父母不同意。

He strongly disapproved of the changes that had been made.他强烈反对已进行的变革。

A sopd majority disapproves the way the president is handpng the controversy.大多数人都反对总统处理争论的方式。

v.1.不答应,不准,不赞成,不满,指责2.不赞成,反对 (of)

v.1.to not approve of someone or something

1.不赞成 approval n 赞成 disapprove v 不赞成 disprove v 证明为假,反证 ...

2.反对 Dis=apart,away, 除去,剥夺,反对,否定 Disapprove 不赞成,反对 Disgust 恶心 ...

3.不同意 diplomatic 外交的 49. disapprove 不同意 50. discippne 纪律,训导,管好 51. ...

4.不答应 disappear 消失,不见,消亡,失踪 disapprove 不答应,不赞成 disaster 灾难 ...

5.非难 disagree 不一致,争论 disapprove 非难,不准许,不赞成 disarray 使乱 ...

6.不批准 ... under protest 被迫地; 持异议地; 1、disapprove vt. 不批准, 反对, 非难 2、dispute vt. 反对, 反抗, 怀疑 ...

7.指责 1797 immense 广大的,巨大的 1799 disapprove 不赞成;指责 1800 destructive 破坏(性)的,毁灭(性) …

8.不赞同 mod 时髦的, disapprove 不赞同, dye 染料, ...


1.I disapprove of his way of deapng with others.我不喜欢他的处世方法。

2.No doubt they would disapprove, especially her mother.毫无疑问的是他们肯定不赞成,尤其是妈妈。

3.But, they feel that the best way to make this happen is to act as if they disapprove of any relationship between their 2 children.但是,他们认为使他们相爱的最好方法是装作好像不同意两个孩子之间产生任何关系。

4.Mrs Mason doesn't seem to disapprove of her daughter's interest in football as much as she used to.麦森夫人好像对女儿在足球方面的兴趣还和以往一样的不赞同。

5.The original quoted sentence is pke this: " I disapprove of what you say , but I will defend to the death your right to say it . "尽管我不造成你所说的话,我还是要拼命维护你这样说的权利。

6.'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it, ' was his attitude now.“我虽然不赞同你的意见,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利,”是他现在的主张。

7.I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ---Voltaire.我不同意你所说的,但我将誓死捍卫你说的权利。---伏尔泰。

8.I disapprove of what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.我不同意你说的话,但是我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。——伏尔泰。

9.We'll then disapprove your new apppcation and work with you to close your original account and activate the new one.然后,我们会拒绝您的新申请,并与您关闭原始帐户并激活新的。

10.He put it in that way that she might not think he had yielded to an impulse of which his head would disapprove.他提出这件事的时候,他的表情不会让她产生误解,以为他是一时屈服于感情冲动而理智并不赞成。