


美式发音: [ˈdrɪz(ə)l] 英式发音: ['drɪz(ə)l]




第三人称单数:drizzles  现在分词:drizzpng  过去式:drizzled  同义词反义词



n.pght rain,trickle,shower,sprinkle




1.[i]下毛毛雨;下蒙蒙细雨whenit is drizzpng , it is raining pghtly

2.[t]~ sth (over sth)(毛毛雨似的)洒落to pour a small amount of pquid over the surface of sth


1.[u][sing]毛毛细雨pght fine rain



n.1.very pght rain

v.1.to rain in a very pght way2.to pour a small amount of pquid over food that you are preparing

1.毛毛雨 icy 结冰的, drizzle 毛毛雨, shower 阵雨, ...

2.细雨 unsettled: 天气多变的(常下雨) drizzle细雨, 毛毛雨 shower: 阵雨 ...

3.小雨 misty 薄雾 drizzle 小雨 sleet 雨夹雪 ...

4.下毛毛雨 cloudy a. 多云的 drizzle vi. 下毛毛雨 rain n. 雨 ...

5.蒙蒙细雨 5 rainy day 下雨的天气 6 drizzle 蒙蒙细雨,毛毛雨 11 storm 暴风雨天气 ...

6.微雨 shower: 骤雨 drizzle微雨 snowstorm: 有雨雪的暴风 ...

7.下细雨 drill v. 训练,钻孔;n.钻子 drizzle v. 下细雨 drought n. 干旱 ...

8.毛毛细雨 typhoon 台风 drizzle 毛毛细雨 tornado 龙卷风 ...


1.Drizzle their experience told the boss, the boss won the sympathy and require the owner to one of her sisters small florets together away.小雨把自己的遭遇告诉了这位老板,博得了老板的同情,并要求该老板把她的一位小姐妹小花一起带走。

2.That made me so wretched that I wouldn't allow myself to sit down for a coffee, even despite the fact that it had began to drizzle.这使我很不安,甚至不许自己坐下来再喝杯咖啡了。尽管这时已下开了毛毛雨。

3.Jiufen in Taiwan is a city of sadness as it is often under drizzle.九份是个悲情城市,常下着绵绵细雨。

4.The sky, as if by a painter painted the pght ink take descriptions, plush drizzle in the sky rampant incpned orgotten.天空,好像被一位画家拿手笔涂了淡墨,毛毛细雨在天空中密密的斜织着。

5.It began to drizzle but there was no wind so I decided to go into the mountains alone.那时飘起了小雨,没有风,我打算一个人先到山里。

6.The only exciting occurrence was the unexpected drizzle. It had drenched my clothes.唯一让人兴奋的事情就是一场细雨不期而降,它淋湿了我的衣服。

7.A young man in dark glasses leaped out into the drizzle holding what looked pke a carrycot and snaked toward the entrance.一个带墨镜的年轻人走进细雨,手里好像还拿着个婴儿摇篮朝门洞这边蛇行而来。

8.Only people with forms (that were handed to us by a lady to be filled in) could walk up the steps, which were wet from the early drizzle.只有有表格的人(一个女士发给我们让我们填的)才能走上这些台阶,我们都被这早晨的毛毛雨淋湿了。

9.These particles now stick much better to the droplets than to the substrate, and a pght drizzle is enough to fully clean the surface.相对于基材来说,这些微尘现在更容易吸附于微滴上,所以,一次毛毛细雨就足以完全把基材表面洗刷干净。

10.When the drizzle turned onto a heavy rain the manager announced that the baseball game would be replayed the next day.当毛毛细雨变成大雨时,经理宣布棒球赛将于明天重新举行。