


美式发音: [ˌdɪsəˈreɪ] 英式发音: [.dɪsə'reɪ]




第三人称单数:disarrays  现在分词:disarraying  过去分词:disarrayed  同义词反义词





1.混乱;紊乱a state of confusion and lack of organization in a situation or a place

The peace talks broke up in disarray .和谈在混乱中破裂了。

Our plans were thrown into disarray by her arrival.我们的计划因她的到来而陷入一片混乱。

v.1.弄乱,搅乱2.〈古〉脱去[剥去]衣服 (of)


n.1.a situation in which people are very confused or things are not organized, especially because something unexpected has happened2.a situation in which clothes or objects are very messy

1.混乱 moans n. 呻吟, 哀悼, 呼啸 disarray v. 混乱 walker n. 徒步者, 常散步的人, 参加竞走者 ...

2.弄乱 disable 使无能力,使伤残 disarray 弄乱,扰乱 disaster 灾难,祸患 ...

3.杂乱 incise 切 disarray 杂乱 commensurate with 与。。。相当 ...

4.无秩序 pass away: 去世 disarray: 无秩序 asymmetrical: 不匀称的 ...

5.使乱 disapprove 非难,不准许,不赞成 disarray 使乱 disaster 灾祸 ...

6.衣冠不整 ... 2.spare vt. 节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让 3.disarray n. 无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整 4.handcuff vt. 给…戴上手铐…

7.不整齐的衣服 ... 1.withdraw v. (使)撤退[出]; (使)撤回, 撤离 2.disarray n. 无秩序,杂乱,不整齐的衣服 3.slump n. 暴跌,意气消沉 ...

8.搅乱 array v. 排列,布置 disarray v. 弄乱,搅乱 arrival n. 到达,抵达 ...


1.It all goes well behind the scenes, although outwardly you could be forgiven for thinking that there was total disarray everywhere.事情在幕后进展良好,尽管在外观上你会认为(可以原谅)到处都是彻底的杂乱无章。

2."I have to say it's a place in disarray, " said a 35-year-old gay man who used to be a frequent visitor.“我不得不说这是一个混乱的地方”,一位曾经常来此处的三十五岁男同性恋者说道。

3.It was touching to see such a crowd prostrate in disarray on the ground and the High Priest in great anguish.看见群众一起伏地哀求,与大司祭的焦心不安,委实令人可怜。

4.Moreover, at a time when co-operation among the authorities is essential, the appearance of disarray is itself damaging to confidence.此外,在权力机构的彼此合作至关重要之际,混乱迹象本身就会损及信心。

5.The president's pragmatism has thrown Arena, which had united for years around fear of the FMLN, into disarray.总统的务实态度让民主主义共和联盟,这个由于对民族解放阵线的恐惧团结多年的政党陷入无序状态。

6.Libya's rebel movement, meanwhile, appeared to be in disarray after the mysterious death of their chief miptary commander.与此同时,利比亚的反叛运动出现在混乱的神秘死亡后,其首席军事指挥官。

7.Painting in shades of grey, sifting through the disarray can I find enough of me to make you stay. . .把灰暗着上颜色,穿过杂乱我能否找到让你留下的理由……

8.It isn't clear how much the banks and securities firms knew about the disarray at the Libyan fund.不清楚这些银行和证券公司在多大程度上了解利比亚投资局的内部混乱情况。

9.But within a few days the conference had petered out in disarray.但是数天来,会议逐渐在混乱中走向尾声。

10.This, is indeed what I am calpng here the movement of haste in the bad sense of the term, that of disarray.这确实就是我在这里所谓的匆促的运动,就那个术语的负面意义,混乱的意义来说。