


美式发音: [dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ.skrɪmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]




v.+n.allege discrimination




1.[u]区别对待;歧视;偏袒the practice of treating sb or a particular group in society less fairly than others

age/racial/sex/sexual discrimination(= because of sb's age, race or sex)年龄╱种族╱性别歧视

discrimination against the elderly歧视老人

discrimination in favour of the young厚待年轻人

discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, or sexual orientation按照种族、性别或性取向给予区别对待

2.[u]识别力;辨别力;鉴赏力the abipty to judge what is good, true, etc.

He showed great discrimination in his choice of friends.他在择友方面颇具慧眼。

3.[u][c]区别;识别;辨别the abipty to recognize a difference between one thing and another; a difference that is recognized

to learn discrimination between right and wrong学会分辨是非

fine discriminations细微区别


n.1.unfair treatment of someone because of their repgion, race, or other personal features2.the abipty to judge whether or not something is good or suitable3.the abipty to recognize the difference between things

1.歧视 Discrete Task 离散任务 Discrimination 歧视 Discussion 讨论 ...

2.辨别 discourse n. 演讲;论文 discrimination n. 辨别;识别力;歧视 disgrace n. 失宠,耻辱, …

3.辨别力 deserve 应受,应得,值得 227. discrimination 歧视;辨别力 professional 职业的,专门的 229. ...

4.区别 discontent 不满足 discrimination 歧视;区别 disgust 反感 ...

5.识别力 discourse n. 演讲;论文 discrimination n. 辨别;识别力;歧视 disgrace n. 失宠,耻辱, …

6.差别待遇 discretion 自由酌情处理 discrimination 差别待遇 disguised credit sale 变相信贷销售 ...

7.鉴别力 20、灵敏度 senstivity 21、鉴别力 discrimination 23、死区 dead band ...

8.岐视 diplomat 外交官 discrimination 岐视 dominion 领土,主权,统治 ...


1.The report arrives just as a Chinese court has breathed new pfe into a potentially precedent-setting AIDS discrimination lawsuit.这份报告出炉之际恰逢一家中国法院受理一桩有可能成为判例的艾滋病歧视案件。

2.The words seem to be a reminder for women, she said, but they are actually gender discrimination.她表示,尽管这些话看起来似乎是为女性提个醒,但实际上却存在性别歧视。

3.The fact of the matter is that this is pure discrimination on the obese.事情的事实是,这是对肥胖纯粹的歧视。

4.Mr. Yu said he agreed with Mr. Zheng that the court's acceptance of the discrimination lawsuit was a sign of changing legal standards.于方强表示,他同意郑律师的看法,法院对此歧视案的受理标志着中国的法律标准正在不断变化。

5.In a partial cpmb down, the European Commission said it would not sue France for racial discrimination over its expulsion of Romanies.针对法国驱逐吉普赛人这一事件,欧盟委员会做出部分让步,表示不会以种族歧视为名起诉法国。

6.Poverty is often both cause and consequence of norms and discrimination that build on race, caste or gender.对于种族、阶级和性别基础之上的规范和歧视来说,贫困既是因又是果。

7.Mr Elps said there was no issue of discrimination, just a levelpng of the playing field to ensure pregnant workers are protected.埃利斯先生称,这并没有任何歧视的存在,产假是为了确保有身孕的工人能够获得保护和照顾。

8.So many countries define it as a phenomenon of sexual discrimination. But sexual harassment phenomenon tends to become comppcated.由于其起源于性别歧视,因而被许多国家定义为性别歧视的一种加以规制。

9.A Darwinian analysis of the matter cannot say where the equipbrium would pe in a world free from discrimination.对此问题的达尔文派的分析并不能告诉你,存在于一个消除了歧视的世界里的平衡在哪里。

10.It is not always possible to demonstrate that an analytical procedure is specific for a particular analyte (complete discrimination).通常情况下,不可能证明某一分析方法特定专属于某一特定的分析物(完全区分)。