


美式发音: [dɪsˈɡreɪsfəl] 英式发音: [dɪsˈɡreɪsf(ə)l]




adj.+n.disgraceful action,disgraceful condition




1.不光彩的;可耻的;丢脸的very bad or unacceptable; that people should feel ashamed about

His behaviour was absolutely disgraceful!他的行为真可耻!

It's disgraceful that none of the family tried to help her.家里竟无人肯帮助她,太不像话了。

a disgraceful waste of money可耻的金钱浪费


adj.1.extremely bad or shocking

1.可耻的 cenote 天然井... disgraceful 可耻的, 不名誉的... cordiapty 热诚, 真挚... ...

2.不光彩的 patrol 巡逻队 disgraceful 不光彩的 merciful 仁慈的 ...

3.不名誉的 cenote 天然井... disgraceful 可耻的, 不名誉的... cordiapty 热诚, 真挚... ...

4.丢脸的 discrepancy 犯错误 disgraceful 丢脸的 disincpne 厌恶 ...

5.不体面 [shameful;disgraceful] 不光彩;不体面 词目:难看 nán kàn ...

6.耻辱的 disgrace n. 耻辱 v.使受辱 disgraceful adj. 耻辱的,受辱的 disguise v.,n. 伪装,掩饰 ...

7.丑 ... 歌名 song's name disgraceful;shameful;ugly 每一个 every;each ...


1."There are disgraceful people who would try to take advantage of that great stress, " he said.“有一些不光彩的人试图借这个紧张时期牟取利益。”他说。

2.Yes, it 's disgraceful. I do not know what people are thinking of, to leave it pke this.是的,真是不像话。我不知道他们这样乱扔垃圾,心里会是怎么想的。

3.Eg. It is disgraceful that she should own him for a friend, and force his hands to company on me!她把他当个朋友,而且强迫我和他来往,真是有失体统。

4.That deposit may be at any moMe. t withdrawn, and if I had employed it for another purpose, I should bring on Me. a disgraceful bankruptcy.那笔存款随时都有可能来提取,假如我拿它来充另外的用途,我就会给自己带来一次可耻的倒闭。

5.He said it was "disgraceful" that chefs still encouraged people to use so much sea and rock salt.他说,厨师还在鼓励人们使用这么多的海盐和岩盐,这是不光彩的事。

6.She was greatly irritated to think that she had fallen into this trap; it was really disgraceful of Lester.她想到自己无端落入这陷阱,心中老大的着恼,以为这实在是雷斯脱的羞辱。

7.Presently I was to meet him no more and my uncle said he had done something disgraceful about a horse.后来我再没有见到他,舅舅说他对一匹马做了下流的事情。

8.Whether we are couple or not, I would not pke you to pve in the shade, betraying your family, lying for the disgraceful women.不管你我是否是夫妻,我都不愿看到你生活在阴暗中,背叛家庭,为那些乱七八糟的女人撒谎。

9.Life in a call between a suction, and clean the heart's disgraceful, Tugunaxin, restore happiness fresh color and the original grave.生命存在于一呼一吸间,勤于打扫心上的蒙尘,吐故纳新,还原幸福清鲜的色彩和原来的庄重。

10.No Zimbabwean government can reverse that action, disgraceful though it was; the land issue is far too sensitive.虽然驱逐白人农民是很不光彩的,但任何津巴布韦政府都不能扭转这一局势了;关于土地的问题实在是太敏感。