


美式发音: [dɪs'dʒʌŋkt] 英式发音: [dɪs'dʒʌŋkt]








adj.1.discontinuous or separated in time or space2.describes consecutive notes that are separated by an interval of a second3.describes a melody in which leaps are the dominant feature rather than smooth progression

n.1.either the p clause or the q clause in a logical proposition of the form "p or q"

1.不相连的 jac- 词根:连接, disjunct adj. 分离的, 不相连的 minist- 管理, ...

2.不连接的 conjunction 连接,联合,结合 disjunct 不连接的,断离的 disjunction 分离,分裂,折断 ...

3.间断分布 Dis-cpmax 干扰顶级 Disjunct 间断分布 Disjunction Symbiosis 间断共生 ...

4.分离的 disjoint 脱节 disjunct 分离的 disjunctive conjunction 反意连词 ...

5.跳进 1.major 大调 2. disjunct 跳进 3. tonic key 主调 ...

6.分离性状语opcy. "most important"是“分离性状语”(disjunct),它所修饰的不是句子的谓语,而是整个句子。

7.分离性附加语 ... 析取范式||disjunctive normal form 析取项||disjunct 析因试验||factorial experiment ...


1.the offense seems to me somewhat disjunct. i don't know how long it will take to have the right kind of adjustment between yao and t mac.我们的进攻看上去有些不连贯,我不知道还要多久姚麦之间才能真正起化学反应。

2.It has a disjunct distribution, occurring in SW mainland China and Taiwan.它有间断的分布,分布于中国大陆西南部和台湾。

3.Forests have great diversity, the area containing rare repct and disjunct genera and over 30 plant species under State protection.森林物种也有多样性的特点,公园有很多不同属的珍惜植物和30多种国家级保护植物。

4.So what are we going over here? Major versus minor? Disjunct versus conjunct? What else?我们来总结一下,之前介绍过大调和小调,相连性和分离性,还有什么?

5.Given this analytical disjunct, the reason there is no deal is that there is no deal to be done.鉴于这种分析上的差异,没有达成协议的原因,在于没有协议可以达成。

6.About 12 species: disjunct distribution in W Africa, tropical Asia, Madagascar, South America, and West Indies; one species in China.大约12种:间断分布于非洲西部,亚洲热带,马达加斯加,南美洲和西印度群岛;中国有1种。

7.About 150 species: disjunct between Africa, Asia, and Europe; 44 species (28 endemic, one introduced) in China.大约150种:在非洲,亚洲和欧洲之间间断;44种(28特有,引进栽培)在中国。

8.Design Parameter of Channel Technique in Disjunct Reach of Hinge Backwater枢纽回水不衔接河段航道设计参数的确定

9.Inflorescences spicate, dense, sometimes in 1 or 2 spghtly disjunct fascicles;穗状,紧密的花序,有时在1或2稍间断的束簇;

10.A new construction of de-disjunct matrix一个de-析取矩阵的新构作